VOCAVictims of Crime Act of 1984
VOCAVolunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance
VOCAVoice Output Communication Aids
VOCAVictims of Criminal Acts (various organizations)
VOCAVictims of Crime Assistance
VOCAVision of Contemporary Art
VOCAVermont Old Cemetery Association
VOCAVictims of Chiropractic Abuse (Westville, CT)
VOCAView on Canadian Art
VOCAVoice of China and Asia Missionary Society, Inc. (Pasadena, CA)
VOCAVocational Opportunities Clubs of America
VOCAVocational Opportunities Chapters of America
VOCAVictory Over Child Abuse
VOCAVormingscel Caritas
VOCAVelocette Owners Club of Australia
VOCAVoice of Customer Analytics (IBM Corp.)
VOCAVoice Operational Communications Assembly
VOCAVolunteer Overseas Cooperating Agency