

单词 vocal cords

vocal cords

vocal cords

pl.n. Either of two pairs of bands or folds of mucous membrane in the throat that project into the larynx. The lower pair vibrate when air passing up from the lungs causes them to draw together, thereby producing vocal sounds. The upper, thicker pair are not involved in voice production.

vocal cords

pl n (Anatomy) either of two pairs of mucomembranous folds in the larynx. The upper pair (false vocal cords) are not concerned with vocal production; the lower pair (true vocal cords or vocal folds) can be made to vibrate and produce sound when air from the lungs is forced over them. See also glottis

vo′cal cords`

n.pl. either of two pairs of folds of mucous membrane stretched across the larynx, the lower pair of which produces sound or voice as it is made to vibrate by the passage of air from the lungs.

vo·cal cords

(vō′kəl) The two folded pairs of membranes in the larynx (voice box) that vibrate when air that is exhaled passes through them, producing sound.

vocal cords

Two belts of elastic tissue stretched across the larynx which produce sounds when air rushes past them.


(ˈvəukəl) adjective1. of, or concerning, the voice. vocal music. 聲音的,與聲音有關的 有声的2. (of a person) talkative; keen to make one's opinions heard by other people. He's always very vocal at meetings. 大談己見的 畅所欲言的voˈcally adverb 透過聲音或歌唱地 用声音,口头上 ˈvocalist noun a singer. a female vocalist. 聲樂家, 演唱者 声乐家,歌手 vocal cords folds of membrane in the larynx that produce the sounds used in speech, singing etc when vibrated. 聲帶 声带

vocal cords

vocal cords:

see larynxlarynx
, organ of voice in mammals. Commonly known as the voice box, the larynx is a tubular chamber about 2 in. (5 cm) high, consisting of walls of cartilage bound by ligaments and membranes, and moved by muscles. The human larynx extends from the trachea, or windpipe.
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Vocal cords

The pair of elastic, fibered bands inside the human larynx. The cords are covered with a mucous membrane and pass horizontally backward from the thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple) to insert on the smaller, paired arytenoid cartilages at the back of the larynx. The vocal cords act as sphincters for air regulation and may be vibrated to produce sounds. Separation, approximation, and alteration of tension are produced by action of laryngeal muscles acting on the pivoting arytenoids. Vibration of the cords produces fundamental sounds and overtones. These can be modified by the strength of the air current, the size and shape of the glottis (the opening between the cords), and tension in the cords. See Larynx, Speech

vocal cords


 [vo´kal] pertaining to the voice.vocal cords the thin, reedlike folds of mucous membrane in the larynx; the superior pair are called the false vocal cords and the inferior pair are called the true vocal cords. (See also Plates.) They vibrate to make vocal sounds during speaking, and are capable of producing a vast range of sounds. Each cord has one end attached to the front wall of the larynx, close to that of the other cord. The opposite ends are connected to two tiny cartilages near the back wall of the larynx. The cartilages can be rotated so as to swing the cords far apart or bring them together. When they are apart, the breath passes through silently, unobstructed; when they are closer together, they partly obstruct the air passage, and as the air is forced through them they vibrate like the reeds of a pipe organ and produce sound waves. These waves are what we call the voice. See also speech.Vocal cords.

vocal cords

pl.n. Either of two pairs of bands or folds of mucous membrane in the throat that project into the larynx. The lower pair vibrate when air passing up from the lungs causes them to draw together, thereby producing vocal sounds. The upper, thicker pair are not involved in voice production.


Change of life, climacteric, 'time of life' Gynecology The cessation of menstrual activity due to failure to form ovarian follicles, which normally occurs age 45–50 Clinical Menstrual irregularity, vasomotor instability, 'hot flashes', irritability or psychosis, ↑ weight, painful breasts, dyspareunia, ↑/↓ libido, atrophy of urogenital epithelium and skin, ASHD, MI, strokes and osteoporosis–which can be lessened by HRT. See Estrogen replacement therapy, Hot flashes, Male menopause, Premature ovarian failure, Premature menopause. Cf Menarche. Menopause–”…what a drag it is getting old.” Jagger, Richards Bladder Cystourethritis, frequency/urgency, stress incontinence Breasts ↓ Size, softer consistency, sagging Cardiovascular Angina, ASHD, CAD Endocrine Hot flashes Mucocutaneous Atrophy, dryness, pruritus, facial hirsutism, dry mouth Neurologic Psychological, sleep disturbances Pelvic floor Uterovaginal prolapse Skeleton Osteoporosis, fractures, low back pain Vagina Bloody discharge, dyspareunia, vaginitis Vocal cords Deepened voice Vulva Atrophy, dystrophy, pruritus

vocal cords

A pair of pearly-white shelves of thin mucous membrane stretched across the interior of the LARYNX and capable of being tensioned to a widely varying degree by small laryngeal muscles. The vocal cords are caused to vibrate by the outwards passage of air from the lungs and the sound so produced is modulated by changes in the shape and volume of the mouth cavity to produce speech and song.

Patient discussion about vocal cords

Q. How can I fix my vocal cords? Please I am in need of desperate help.A. rest, which means no talking,

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