Santa Fe National Historic Trail

Santa Fe National Historic Trail

Parks Directory of the United States / National Trails (Santa Fe Trail Association)
Address:Santa Fe Trail Center
RR 3
Larned, KS 67550

Phone:620-285-2054 - Phone

See other parks in Kansas.

Santa Fe National Historic Trail

Parks Directory of the United States / National Trails (Trail Administrator - National Park Service)
Address:NPS National Trails System Office, Santa Fe
PO Box 728
Santa Fe, NM 87504

Phone:505-988-6888 - Phone
Fax:505-986-5214 - Fax
Established: May 8, 1987. Description:After Mexican independence in 1821, U.S. and Mexican traders developed the Santa Fe Trail, using American Indian travel and trade routes. It quickly became a commercial and cultural link between the two countries and also became a road of conquest during the Mexican and Civil wars. With the building of the railroad to Santa Fe in the 1880's, the trail was largely abandoned. Of the 1,203 miles of trail route between Old Franklin, Missouri, and Santa Fe, New Mexico, more than 200 miles of ruts and trace remain visible; some 30 miles of these are protected on federal lands.
Legth: 1,203 miles.

See other parks in New Mexico.