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sternotomy sternotomy [ster-not´ah-me] incision of the sternum.ster·not·o·my (ster-not'ŏ-mē), Incision into or through the sternum. [sterno- + G. tomē, incision] sternotomy (stər-nŏt′ə-mē)n. Incision into or through the sternum.sternotomy Surgery The midline vertical splitting of the sternum before thoracic surgery–eg, for CABG, heart valve replacement, etc, in thoracic cavityster·not·o·my (stĕr-not'ŏ-mē) Incision into or through the sternum. [sterno- + G. tomē, incision] STERNOTOMY: Sternotomy scar that is nearly healedsternotomyS18-898580 (stĕr-nŏt′ō-mē) [″ + tome, incision] The operation of cutting through the sternum. See: illustration |