Psychology Journals

Psychology Journals


Periodicals devoted to psychology began publication in a number of countries in the last quarter of the 19th century, when psychology became a science. Among the first such journals were the British Mind (London, since 1876) and the German Philosophische Studien (Leipzig, 1881–1903) and Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane (Hamburg-Leipzig, 1890–1906). Psychologische Studien (Leipzig, 1905–18) and Psychologische Forschung (Berlin, 1921–39) were published in Germany in the 20th century. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Russian journals of psychology included Voprosy filosofii i psikhologii (Problems of Philosophy and Psychology; 1889–1918), Obozrenie psikhiatrii, nevrologii i eksperimental’noi psikhologii (Review of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Experimental Psychology; St. Petersburg, 1896–1918), and Vestnik psikhologii, kriminal’noi antropologii i pedologii (Journal of Psychology, Criminal Anthropology, and Pedology; St. Petersburg, 1904–17).

A large number of specialized psychology journals began publication in the 20th century, with the total number growing to approximately 1,000 in the early 1970’s. This increase was due to the differentiation of various disciplines within psychology and to the development of interdisciplinary studies at the interface of psychology, biology, social sciences, and technical scientific disciplines. In addition to journals that publish research of a particular country in the language of that country, there are international and regional psychology journals.

Soviet Union. Psychology journals published in the USSR have included Psikhologiia (Psychology; 1928–1932). Voprosy psikhologii (Problems of Psychology) has been published since 1955. Articles on psychology also appear in Sovetskaia pedagogika (Soviet Pedagogy), Voprosy filosofii (Problems of Philosophy), Zhurnal nevropatologii i psikhiatrii im. Korsakova (Korsakov Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry), and Zhurnal vysshei nervnoi deiatel’nosti im. I. P. Pavlova (I. P. Pavlov Journal of Higher Nervous Activity).

Abroad. A number of psychology journals are published abroad. American journals include the American Journal of Psychology (Ithaca, N. Y., since 1887), Psychological Review (Lancaster, Pa.-Princeton, N. J., since 1894), Psychological Bulletin (Princeton, N. J., since 1904), American Psychologist (Lancaster, Pa., since 1946), Contemporary Psychology (Lancaster, Pa.-Washington, D.C., since 1956), and Behavioral Science in Progress (Washington, D. C., since 1941), and Behavioral Science in Progress (Washington, D.C., since 1971). The Anales del instituto depsicolog í a (Buenos Aires, since 1935) is published in Argentina, and the Australian Journal of Psychology (Melbourne, since 1949) and Australian Psychologist (Melbourne, since 1966) are published in Australia. The Wiener Zeitschrift für Philosophic, Psychologie, Pädagogik (Vienna, since 1947) is published in Austria, Psychologica Belgica: Annales de la société beige de psychologie (Louvain, since 1954) in Belgium, and the Arquivos brasileiros de psicologia aplicada (Rio de Janeiro, since 1949) in Brazil.

The British publish the British Journal of Psychology (London, since 1904) and British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology (London-New York, since 1962), and the Canadians, the Canadian Journal of Psychology (Toronto, since 1947), Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science (Toronto, since 1969), and Canadian Psychologist (Ottawa, since 1960). Other foreign psychology journals are the Dutch Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift voor wijsbegeerte en psychologie (Amsterdam, since 1907), the East German Zeitschrift fur Psychologie (Leipzig, since 1890), the Egyptian Egyptian Journal of Psychology (Cairo, since 1945), the French Année psychologique (Paris, since 1894), Journal de psychologie normale et pathologique (Paris, since 1904), and Bulletin de psychologie (Paris, since 1948), and the Hungarian Magyar pszichologiai szemle (Budapest, since 1928). Indian publications include the Indian Journal of Psychology (Calcutta, since 1926), Indian Journal of Applied Psychology (Madras, since 1964), and Indian Journal of Experimental Psychology (Madras, since 1967), and Indian Psychological Review (Varanasi, since 1964). The Rivista di psicologia normale, patologica e applicata (Florence, since 1905) and Rivista de psicologia social (Turin, since 1954) are published in Italy.

Also among the psychology journals published abroad are the Japanese Japanese Journal of Psychology (Tokyo, since 1923) and Japanese Journal of Experimental Psychology (Kyoto, since 1934), the Peruvian Boletin del Instituto psicopedagogico nacional (Lima, since 1942), the Polish Studia psychologiczne (Wroclaw, since 1956) and Przegląd psychologiczny (Poznań, since 1952), the Portuguese Boletim de psicologia (Lisbon, since 1950), the Rumanian Revista de psihologie (Bucharest, since 1955), the Spanish Revista de psicología generaly aplicada (Madrid, since 1946), the Swiss Archives de psychologie (Geneva, since 1902), and the West German Psychologische Rundschau (Göttingen, since 1949) and Zeitschrift für experimented und angewandte Psychologie (Göttingen, since 1953).

International and regional psychology journals. There are a number of noteworthy international and regional psychology journals. They include International Review of AppliedPsychology (Liverpool, since 1952), International Journal of Psychology (Paris, since 1966), Cognition (New York-Boston, since 1971), Acta psychologica (Amsterdam, since 1935), Psychologische Rundschau (Göttingen, since 1949), Psychologia (Kyoto, since 1957), and European Journal of Social Psychology (The Hague, since 1971).