

 [ak″ro-mat´o-fil] 1. not easily stainable.2. an organism or tissue that does not stain easily.


(ak'rō-mat'ō-fil), 1. Not being colored by the histologic or bacteriologic stains. Synonym(s): achromophilic, achromophilous2. A cell or tissue that cannot be stained in the usual way. Synonym(s): achromophil [G. a- priv. + chrōma, color, + philos, fond]


(ak'rō-mat'ō-fil) 1. Not being colored by histologic or bacteriologic stains.
Synonym(s): achromophilic, achromophilous.
2. A cell or tissue that cannot be stained in the usual way.
Synonym(s): achromophil.
[G. a- priv. + chrōma, color, + philos, fond]