train on

train on

1. To guide, coach, or educate someone how to do or use something. A noun or pronoun is used between "train" and "on." The bosses have been training me on the accounting software so I can begin taking over some administrative duties.2. To practice some action by using some particular tool. I know you're feeling confident training on these dummies, but it will be a whole new experience going against a live sparring partner.3. To prepare or practice to be able to do or use something. I've been training on free weights to help get my strength up for the marathon.4. To aim (some weapon or instrument) at a person or thing. The sniper trained his sights on the target, waiting for the signal to fire from his commanding officer. Doctors trained the high-powered laser on the cancerous tissue.See also: on, train

train someone on something

to educate someone in the use of something. We trained him on the high diving board, but he isn't ready for competition yet. She trained herself on the computer so she could write a book.See also: on, train

train something on (someone, something, or an animal)

to aim something at someone, something, or an animal. Dave trained the spotlight on Fred, who was just coming out of the building. Train your lens on that bush. There is a deer back there.See also: on, train

train on

v. To focus or aim something at some goal, mark, or target; direct something at someone or something: The guards trained their rifles on us as we approached the gate.See also: on, train