UchitelSkaia Gazeta

Uchitel’Skaia Gazeta


(Teachers’ Gazette), a publication of the Ministry of Education of the USSR and of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Workers in Education, Higher Schools, and Scientific Institutions. Uchitel’skaia gazeta, which is published in Moscow three times weekly, was founded on Oct. 3, 1924; from 1930 to 1937 it was called Za kommunisticheskoe prosveshchenie (For Communist Education). N. K. Krupskaia helped found the newspaper and collaborated on it.

In its early years, Uchitel’skaia gazeta frequently published articles by A. V. Lunacharskii, M. I. Kalinin, and other prominent state and party figures. Today it publishes articles on the implementation of general compulsory secondary education and the quality of education and communist upbringing. The newspaper helps teachers advance their ideological development and professional skills. It also publicizes the progressive accomplishments of outstanding schools. It acquaints readers with public education abroad and with the struggle of progressive teachers in capitalist countries for a better system of education and for personal rights.

Uchitel’skaia gazeta was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1974. Circulation, 1.5 million (1977).