psychomotor seizure

psy·cho·mo·tor sei·zure

a seizure characterized by psychic manifestation, and a complex motor seizure. See: psychic seizure.

temporal lobe seizure

A simple or complex seizure caused by abnormal electrical activity in the temporal lobes, which may result in transient changes in movement, sensation, autonomic function, alertness and awareness.
Clinical findings
Temporary paralysis, sleep paralysis, fear sensation, hallucinations (e.g., delusion of lycanthropy, or misinterpreted as UFO abductions). Temporal lobe seizures may occur in anyone at any age, as a single episode, or as a chronic seizure disorder.
Abnormal electrical activity on EEG.
Temporal lobe damage (trauma, hypoxia), ischaemia and/or infarction, tumours, infection or any other discrete lesion.
Phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, valproate.

psychomotor seizure

Complex partial seizure, psychomotor epilepsy, temporal lobe epilepsy Neurology A seizure disorder involving abnormal discharge of neurons of the temporal lobe with episodic changes in behavior accompanied by loss of consciousness, with retention of capacity to respond to environmental stimuli. See Paraphilia.

psy·cho·mo·tor ep·il·ep·sy

(sī'kō-mō'tŏr ep'i-lep'sē) Attacks with elaborate and multiple sensory, motor, and psychic components, the common feature being a clouding or loss of consciousness and amnesia for the event; clinical manifestations may take the form of automatisms, emotional outbursts, or motor or psychic disturbances.
See also: procursive epilepsy
Synonym(s): psychomotor seizure.