Acronym | Definition |
SAPA➣San Antonio Pets Alive (San Antonia, TX) |
SAPA➣South African Press Association |
SAPA➣Società in Accomandita Per Azioni (Italy) |
SAPA➣Small Animal Practitioners Association |
SAPA➣Solidarity for Asian People's Advocacy (Thailand) |
SAPA➣Second Amendment Protection Act (US Constitution) |
SAPA➣Saint Paul's Church National Historic Site (US National Park Service) |
SAPA➣Society of Army Physician Assistants |
SAPA➣Southeastern Advertising Publishers Association |
SAPA➣South Asia Peace Alliance (India; est. 2006) |
SAPA➣Southern Association for Performance Arts |
SAPA➣Secretary of the Army, Public Affairs |
SAPA➣Simplified Aircraft-Based Paired Approach (US NASA) |
SAPA➣Slide and Photographic Archives (Smithsonian Institute) |
SAPA➣Stonewall Antique Power Association |
SAPA➣South African Pigeon Association (South Africa) |