Acronym | Definition |
P&T➣Patent and Trademark |
P&T➣Professional and Technical (various locations) |
P&T➣Post and Telegraph (various locations) |
P&T➣Permanent & Total (US VA disability) |
P&T➣Penn & Teller (entertainers) |
P&T➣Purge and Trap (gas chromatography) |
P&T➣Pan and Tilt (photography) |
P&T➣Products and Technology |
P&T➣Personnel & Training |
P&T➣Pharmacy & Therapeutics (journal) |
P&T➣postal and telecommunications |
P&T➣Packaging and Transportation |
P&T➣Partitioning & Transmutation |
P&T➣Party & Travel |
P&T➣Posts & Timbers (lumber/forest products industry) |
P&T➣Petit et Trappu (French) |
P&T➣Preliminary & Tentative (various organizations) |