PTBPhysikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (Germany)
PTBPulmonary Tuberculosis
PTBPartido Trabalhista Brasileiro (Portuguese: Brazilian Labor Party)
PTBPower Tab (computer program format)
PTBPrevent the Bite (dog bite prevention program)
PTBPropensity to Buy
PTBPush the Button
PTBPublic Test Build (beta version)
PTBPre-Term Birth
PTBPlain-Toe Blucher (shoes)
PTBPhineas Taylor Barnum (circus founder)
PTBPower Terminal Block (electrical distribution)
PTBPowers That Be
PTBPubtech Batchworks
PTBPolypyrimidine Tract Binding Protein
PTBPetit Train de Banlieue (French: Small Suburban Train; Senegal)
PTBPush to Break (electronic switch type)
PTBPortland Trail Blazers
PTBPass the Bud
PTBPlace to Be
PTBPass the Bong
PTBPassenger Terminal Building (aviation)
PTBPenn Treebank
PTBPortuguese Brazilian (language)
PTBPatellar Tendon Bearing
PTBPass The Buck
PTBPetersburg, Virginia (airport code)
PTBPosition Task Book (wildfire qualification system for firefighters)
PTBPart Time Basis
PTBPhotonics Tech Briefs (magazine)
PTBPtahhotep's Team Balancer (Counter-Strike)
PTBPhysical Trade Balance
PTBPlease Text Back
PTBProclamation to Blue (band)
PTBPartial Test Ban (nuclear weapons)
PTBPhillips Taylor Brown (UK)
PTBPaul Thomas Band
PTBPsychophysics Toolbox (vision reserach software)
PTBProto-Tibeto-Burman (languages)
PTBPounds Per Thousand Barrels
PTBPassenger Transportation Board (Canada)
PTBP-Town Ballers (band)
PTBPaid to Blog (online income program)
PTBPimp This Bum (homelessness prevention)
PTBPuro Tango Blast (Texas street/prison gang)
PTBPortadown True Blues
PTBPeer Transaction Bus
PTBPayroll Taxes and Benefits
PTBPakistan Technology Board (Ministry of Science and Technology; Pakistan)
PTBPersonal Touch Banking
PTBPaul the Bankie (Scottish football fan)
PTBProgram Time Base
PTBProtective Technology Branch
PTBPower Turbine Balance
PTBPatrol Torpedo Boat
PTBPaul Thorn Band
PTBProject Team Builder (Project Management Institute; software)
PTBPrimetime Ballers (Youth Basketball)
PTBProfessional, Technical Business (UK)
PTBPillsbury Throw Boys (basketball team; est. 2010)