Acronym | Definition |
PTB➣Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (Germany) |
PTB➣Pulmonary Tuberculosis |
PTB➣Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (Portuguese: Brazilian Labor Party) |
PTB➣Power Tab (computer program format) |
PTB➣Prevent the Bite (dog bite prevention program) |
PTB➣Propensity to Buy |
PTB➣Push the Button |
PTB➣Public Test Build (beta version) |
PTB➣Pre-Term Birth |
PTB➣Plain-Toe Blucher (shoes) |
PTB➣Phineas Taylor Barnum (circus founder) |
PTB➣Power Terminal Block (electrical distribution) |
PTB➣Powers That Be |
PTB➣Pubtech Batchworks |
PTB➣Phosphotyrosine-Binding |
PTB➣Polypyrimidine Tract Binding Protein |
PTB➣Petit Train de Banlieue (French: Small Suburban Train; Senegal) |
PTB➣Push to Break (electronic switch type) |
PTB➣Portland Trail Blazers |
PTB➣Pass the Bud |
PTB➣Place to Be |
PTB➣Pass the Bong |
PTB➣Passenger Terminal Building (aviation) |
PTB➣Penn Treebank |
PTB➣Portuguese Brazilian (language) |
PTB➣Patellar Tendon Bearing |
PTB➣Pass The Buck |
PTB➣Petersburg, Virginia (airport code) |
PTB➣Position Task Book (wildfire qualification system for firefighters) |
PTB➣Part Time Basis |
PTB➣Photonics Tech Briefs (magazine) |
PTB➣Ptahhotep's Team Balancer (Counter-Strike) |
PTB➣Physical Trade Balance |
PTB➣Please Text Back |
PTB➣Proclamation to Blue (band) |
PTB➣Partial Test Ban (nuclear weapons) |
PTB➣Phillips Taylor Brown (UK) |
PTB➣Paul Thomas Band |
PTB➣Psychophysics Toolbox (vision reserach software) |
PTB➣Proto-Tibeto-Burman (languages) |
PTB➣Pounds Per Thousand Barrels |
PTB➣Passenger Transportation Board (Canada) |
PTB➣P-Town Ballers (band) |
PTB➣Paid to Blog (online income program) |
PTB➣Pimp This Bum (homelessness prevention) |
PTB➣Puro Tango Blast (Texas street/prison gang) |
PTB➣Portadown True Blues |
PTB➣Peer Transaction Bus |
PTB➣Payroll Taxes and Benefits |
PTB➣Pakistan Technology Board (Ministry of Science and Technology; Pakistan) |
PTB➣Personal Touch Banking |
PTB➣Paul the Bankie (Scottish football fan) |
PTB➣Program Time Base |
PTB➣Protective Technology Branch |
PTB➣Power Turbine Balance |
PTB➣Patrol Torpedo Boat |
PTB➣Paul Thorn Band |
PTB➣Project Team Builder (Project Management Institute; software) |
PTB➣Primetime Ballers (Youth Basketball) |
PTB➣Professional, Technical Business (UK) |
PTB➣Pillsbury Throw Boys (basketball team; est. 2010) |