Acronym | Definition |
PTC➣Paid to Click |
PTC➣Positive Temperature Coefficient |
PTC➣Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma |
PTC➣Peachtree City |
PTC➣Production Tax Credit |
PTC➣Protect the Children (various organizations) |
PTC➣Petaluma (Amtrakt station code; Petaluma, CA) |
PTC➣Positive Train Control |
PTC➣Parents Television Council |
PTC➣Players Tour Championship (snooker) |
PTC➣Parametric Technology Corp. |
PTC➣Property Tax Credit (various locations) |
PTC➣Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography (cancer-diagnostic procedure) |
PTC➣Parent Teacher Conference |
PTC➣Polskiej Telefonii Cyfrowej (Polish: Polish Digital Telephony) |
PTC➣Paradigm Technology Consulting (East Windsor, NJ) |
PTC➣Piedmont Technical College (South Carolina) |
PTC➣Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission |
PTC➣Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation |
PTC➣Parent Teacher Club |
PTC➣Permit to Carry (various locations) |
PTC➣Public Transportation Commission (various locations) |
PTC➣Pre-Trial Conference (various locations) |
PTC➣Private Trust Company (various locations) |
PTC➣Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa (Polish telecommunications company) |
PTC➣Pre-Trial Chamber (various locations) |
PTC➣Please Take Care |
PTC➣Product Technology Center (various locations) |
PTC➣Pacific Telecommunications Council |
PTC➣Philadelphia Theatre Company (Philadelphia, PA) |
PTC➣Portage Trail Conference (Ohio) |
PTC➣Pay to Call |
PTC➣Packet Telephony Center |
PTC➣Pragmatic Trellis Code |
PTC➣Professional Training Course (various organizations) |
PTC➣Programa de Transferencias Condicionadas (Spanish: Conditional Transfers Program) |
PTC➣Pseudotumor Cerebri |
PTC➣Professional Testing Corporation |
PTC➣Phenylthiocarbamide |
PTC➣Piece to Camera (journalism) |
PTC➣Phase Transfer Catalysis |
PTC➣Partenariat Technologique Canada (Technology Partnerships Canada) |
PTC➣Pulaski Technical College (Arkansas) |
PTC➣Permit-to-Campaign (Philippines) |
PTC➣Patent, Trademark and Copyright (legal rights; various organizations) |
PTC➣Pacific Trading Company (San Diego, CA) |
PTC➣Permit to Construct (building license) |
PTC➣Princeton Technology Group (Feasterville-Trevose, PA) |
PTC➣Pioneer Theatre Company (Utah) |
PTC➣Photon Transfer Curve (imaging) |
PTC➣Penang Turf Club (est. 1864; Penang, Malaysia) |
PTC➣Production to Count (crop insurance indemnity) |
PTC➣Philmont Training Center (Boy Scouts of America) |
PTC➣Philadelphia Toboggan Company (roller coaster company in Hatfield, Pennsylvania) |
PTC➣Plasma Thromboplastin Component (Blood Coagulation Factor IX) |
PTC➣Parent Teacher Community (various locations) |
PTC➣Provincial Training Centre (various locations) |
PTC➣Passenger Terminal Complex (various locations) |
PTC➣Permanent Technical Committee (World Customs Organization) |
PTC➣Property Tax Commission (North Carolina) |
PTC➣Programmatic Terms and Conditions (US NSF) |
PTC➣Performance Training Center (West Linn, OR) |
PTC➣Preaching to the Choir |
PTC➣Parent Teacher Collaboration |
PTC➣Professional Teachers Council (Australia) |
PTC➣Public Transport Council (Singapore) |
PTC➣Part Time Casual (employment status) |
PTC➣Perth Theatre Company (Australia) |
PTC➣Palestine Trade Center (est. 1998) |
PTC➣Pentagon Telecommunications Center |
PTC➣Parking and Transportation Committee (various schools) |
PTC➣Psychiatric Treatment Center (various locations) |
PTC➣Protocol Test Card (test board) |
PTC➣Pediatric Transplant Center (Boston, MA) |
PTC➣Public Transport Corporation (Chennai, India) |
PTC➣Police Training Commission |
PTC➣Plastics Technology Center |
PTC➣Positive Thermal Coefficient |
PTC➣Phone Travel Charger |
PTC➣Proton Therapy Center |
PTC➣Psychological Trauma Center (Los Angeles, CA) |
PTC➣Pyramid Technology Corporation |
PTC➣Professional and Technical Communication (course) |
PTC➣Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee (Group Health Cooperative) |
PTC➣Para Tech Coating, Inc. (various locations) |
PTC➣Playwrights Theatre Centre (Vancouver, British Columbia) |
PTC➣Parking and Traffic Committee (various locations) |
PTC➣Parallel Test Component (TTCN) |
PTC➣Personal Torrent Collector |
PTC➣Platform Technology Committee |
PTC➣Physical and Theoretical Chemistry |
PTC➣Physical Therapy Club (various locations) |
PTC➣Post-Tetanic Count |
PTC➣Public Transit Coalition (various organizations) |
PTC➣Personnel & Training Command (UK) |
PTC➣Pickering Town Centre (shopping mall; Canada) |
PTC➣Paint Technology Center (US Army Corps of Engineers) |
PTC➣Passively Thermally Compensated |
PTC➣Promotion Tenure Committee (various schools) |
PTC➣Plastics Technology Centre (Karachi Pakistan) |
PTC➣Provincetown Theatre Company (Provincetown, MA) |
PTC➣Pulse-Tube Cryocooler |
PTC➣Pricing, Terms and Conditions |
PTC➣Petroleum Technology Company |
PTC➣Project Time & Cost |
PTC➣Portable Tele-Transaction Computer (in reference to hand held barcode scanners) |
PTC➣Postal Training Centre (India) |
PTC➣Chief Photographic Intelligenceman (Naval Rating) |
PTC➣Providence Tourism Council (Providence, RI) |
PTC➣Point de Consigne (French: Setpoint) |
PTC➣Primary Toll Carrier |
PTC➣Philadelphia Transit Company |
PTC➣Patches Thoughtfully Considered |
PTC➣Platform Twin-ring Containerized (heavy crane) |
PTC➣People's Trading Centre |
PTC➣Porcelain Tile Cutter |
PTC➣Power Temperature Control |
PTC➣Permission to Connect |
PTC➣Physical Transmission Channel |
PTC➣Power Transfer Conduit (Star Trek) |
PTC➣Payload Training Capability |
PTC➣Pretrial Confinement |
PTC➣Procédés Techniques de Construction (French) |
PTC➣Peoria Terminal Company |
PTC➣Primary Technical Contact |
PTC➣Price to Consumer |
PTC➣Panarail Tourism Company |
PTC➣Progress Telecommunications Corporation |
PTC➣Postgraduate Training Center |
PTC➣Perkutane Transhepatische Cholangiodrainage (German, gastroenterology) |
PTC➣Phase Tracking Circuit |
PTC➣Practical Training Class |
PTC➣Portsmouth Tea Company (New Hampshire, USA) |
PTC➣Paneuropean Transport Corridor |
PTC➣Primary Technical Course |
PTC➣Public Telephone Company |
PTC➣Partido de los Trabajadores Canarios (Canarian Workers Party) |
PTC➣Project Target Cost |
PTC➣Private Tuition Center |
PTC➣Persian Trade Company (South Africa) |
PTC➣Polynomial Transform Computation |
PTC➣Philadelphia Technology Center |
PTC➣Positive Transaction Control |
PTC➣Patrol Vessel, Motor Torpedo Boat, Submarine Chaser (US Navy) |
PTC➣Product Test Cycle |
PTC➣Permission to Camp (parental consent form for insurance purposes) |
PTC➣Power Terminal Cabinet |
PTC➣Polarization Time Coding (MIMO) |