Sorsby syndrome

Sors·by syn·drome

(sōrz'bē), congenital macular coloboma and apical dystrophy of the extremities.

Sors·by syn·drome

(sōrz'bē), congenital macular coloboma and apical dystrophy of the extremities.

Sorsby syndrome

An autosomal dominant condition characterised by bilateral macular coloboma, apical dystrophy of the hands and feet, bifid thumbs, aplasia or hypoplasia of nails, and which may be accompanied by hearing less, uterine anomalies and a single kidney.

Sorsby syndrome

An AD condition characterized by bilateral macular coloboma and apical dystrophy of the hands and feet, which may be accompanied by hearing less, uterine anomalies, a single kidney

Sors·by syn·drome

(sōrz'bē sin'drōm) Congenital macular coloboma and apical dystrophy of the extremities.


Arnold, English ophthalmologist, 1900-1980. Sorsby macular degeneration - hereditary macular degeneration that occurs during the fifth decade of life. Synonym(s): familial pseudoinflammatory macular degenerationSorsby syndrome - congenital macular coloboma and apical dystrophy of the extremities.