释义 |
Stewart test Stew·art test (stū'wart), estimation of the amount of collateral circulation, in case of an aneurysm of the main artery of a limb, by means of a calorimeter.Stew·art test (stū'ărt test) Estimation of the amount of collateral circulation, in case of an aneurysm of the main artery of a limb, by means of a calorimeter. Stewart, George N., Canadian-U.S. scientist, 1860-1930. Hamilton-Stewart formula - Synonym(s): Stewart-Hamilton methodHamilton-Stewart method - Synonym(s): Stewart-Hamilton methodStewart-Hamilton method - a method for measuring cardiac output. Synonym(s): indicator dilution method; Hamilton-Stewart formula; Hamilton-Stewart methodStewart test - estimation of the amount of collateral circulation in case of an aneurysm of the main artery of a limb. |