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va·go·tro·pic V0006200 (vā′gə-trō′pĭk, -trŏp′ĭk)adj. Affecting or acting on the vagus nerve. Used chiefly of a drug. [vag(us) + -tropic.]vagotropic (ˌveɪɡəˈtrɒpɪk) adj1. (Physiology) physiol (of a drug) affecting the activity of the vagus nerve2. (Pharmacology) physiol (of a drug) affecting the activity of the vagus nerve[C20: from vag(us) + -tropic]vagotropicenUK
vagotropic [va″go-trop´ik] having an effect on the vagus nerve.va·go·trop·ic (vā'gō-trop'ik), Attracted by, hence acting on, the vagus nerve. [vago- + G. tropos, turning] vagotropic (vā′gə-trō′pĭk, -trŏp′ĭk)adj. Affecting or acting on the vagus nerve. Used chiefly of a drug.va·go·trop·ic (vā'gō-trō'pik) Attracted by, hence acting on, the vagus nerve. [vago- + G. tropos, turning] |