Saratoga Spa State Park

Saratoga Spa State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New York
Location:Exit 13N off Route 87 (Northway) in Saratoga Springs.
Facilities:Picnic area (é), picnic pavilions (é), food, nature trail, ski trails (12 miles), swimming pool, showers, 2 golf courses, running courses, playground, performing arts center.
Activities:Fishing, swimming, hiking, tennis, golf, bicycling, cross-country skiing, ice hockey, ice skating, recreation and cultural programs.
Special Features:A National Historic Landmark, the park's many features include classical architecture, sloped lawns, covered arcades, shady streamside trails, and world-renowned mineral waters. The park is also noted for the Saratoga Performing Arts Center and the Spa Little Theater.
Address:19 Roosevelt Dr
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Size: 2,724 acres.

See other parks in New York.