

单词 trance



electronic music with a hypnotic quality


T0312300 (trăns)n.1. A hypnotic, cataleptic, or ecstatic state.2. Detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming.3. A semiconscious state, as between sleeping and waking; a daze.4. A genre of electronic dance music with a fast tempo, repetitive phrasing, and often a hypnotic effect.tr.v. tranced, tranc·ing, tranc·es To put into a trance; entrance.
[Middle English traunce, from Old French transe, passage, fear, vision, from transir, to die, be numb with fear, from Latin trānsīre, to go over or across; see transient.]
trance′like′ adj.


(trɑːns) n1. (Physiology) a hypnotic state resembling sleep2. any mental state in which a person is unaware or apparently unaware of the environment, characterized by loss of voluntary movement, rigidity, and lack of sensitivity to external stimuli3. a dazed or stunned state4. a state of ecstasy or mystic absorption so intense as to cause a temporary loss of consciousness at the earthly level5. (Alternative Belief Systems) spiritualism a state in which a medium, having temporarily lost consciousness, can supposedly be controlled by an intelligence from without as a means of communication with the dead6. (Music, other) a type of electronic dance music with repetitive rhythms, aiming at a hypnotic effectvb (tr) to put into or as into a trance[C14: from Old French transe, from transir to faint, pass away, from Latin trānsīre to go over, from trans- + īre to go] ˈtranceˌlike adj


(træns, trɑns)

n., v. tranced, tranc•ing. n. 1. a half-conscious state, seemingly between sleeping and waking, in which ability to function voluntarily may be suspended, esp. a state produced by hypnosis or religious ecstasy. 2. a dazed or bewildered condition. 3. a state of complete mental absorption or deep musing. 4. a type of electronic disco music derived from techno and other rave styles, characterized by sounds that have a hypnotic or spiritual quality. v.t. 5. to entrance; enrapture. [1300–50; Middle English traunce < Middle French transe literally, passage (from life to death), derivative of transir to go across < Latin trānsīre=trans- + īre to go] trance′like`, adj.


 of lovers—Lipton, 1970.


Past participle: tranced
Gerund: trancing
I trance
you trance
he/she/it trances
we trance
you trance
they trance
I tranced
you tranced
he/she/it tranced
we tranced
you tranced
they tranced
Present Continuous
I am trancing
you are trancing
he/she/it is trancing
we are trancing
you are trancing
they are trancing
Present Perfect
I have tranced
you have tranced
he/she/it has tranced
we have tranced
you have tranced
they have tranced
Past Continuous
I was trancing
you were trancing
he/she/it was trancing
we were trancing
you were trancing
they were trancing
Past Perfect
I had tranced
you had tranced
he/she/it had tranced
we had tranced
you had tranced
they had tranced
I will trance
you will trance
he/she/it will trance
we will trance
you will trance
they will trance
Future Perfect
I will have tranced
you will have tranced
he/she/it will have tranced
we will have tranced
you will have tranced
they will have tranced
Future Continuous
I will be trancing
you will be trancing
he/she/it will be trancing
we will be trancing
you will be trancing
they will be trancing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been trancing
you have been trancing
he/she/it has been trancing
we have been trancing
you have been trancing
they have been trancing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been trancing
you will have been trancing
he/she/it will have been trancing
we will have been trancing
you will have been trancing
they will have been trancing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been trancing
you had been trancing
he/she/it had been trancing
we had been trancing
you had been trancing
they had been trancing
I would trance
you would trance
he/she/it would trance
we would trance
you would trance
they would trance
Past Conditional
I would have tranced
you would have tranced
he/she/it would have tranced
we would have tranced
you would have tranced
they would have tranced
Noun1.trance - a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantationtrance - a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantationspell, enchantmentmental condition, mental state, psychological condition, psychological state - (psychology) a mental condition in which the qualities of a state are relatively constant even though the state itself may be dynamic; "a manic state"possession - being controlled by passion or the supernaturalcaptivation, fascination - the state of being intensely interested (as by awe or terror)
2.trance - a state of mind in which consciousness is fragile and voluntary action is poor or missingtrance - a state of mind in which consciousness is fragile and voluntary action is poor or missing; a state resembling deep sleepunconsciousness - a state lacking normal awareness of the self or environmenthypnotic trance - a trance induced by the use of hypnosis; the person accepts the suggestions of the hypnotistecstatic state, religious trance - a trance induced by intense religious devotion; does not show reduced bodily functions that are typical of other trances
Verb1.trance - attracttrance - attract; cause to be enamored; "She captured all the men's hearts"bewitch, captivate, charm, enamor, enamour, entrance, becharm, beguile, enchant, capture, fascinate, catchhold - hold the attention of; "The soprano held the audience"; "This story held our interest"; "She can hold an audience spellbound"attract, appeal - be attractive to; "The idea of a vacation appeals to me"; "The beautiful garden attracted many people"work - gratify and charm, usually in order to influence; "the political candidate worked the crowds"


noun daze, dream, spell, ecstasy, muse, abstraction, rapture, reverie, stupor, unconsciousness, hypnotic state Like a man in a trance, he made his way back to the rooms.


noun1. The condition of being so lost in solitary thought as to be unaware of one's surroundings:absent-mindedness, abstraction, bemusement, brown study, daydreaming, muse, reverie, study.2. A stunned or bewildered condition:befuddlement, bewilderedness, bewilderment, daze, discombobulation, fog, muddle, mystification, perplexity, puzzlement, stupefaction, stupor.


(traːns) noun a sleep-like or half-concious state. The hypnotist put her into a trance. 精神恍惚 精神恍惚



1. a hypnotic state resembling sleep 2. Spiritualism a state in which a medium, having temporarily lost consciousness, can supposedly be controlled by an intelligence from without as a means of communication with the dead 3. a type of electronic dance music with repetitive rhythms, aiming at a hypnotic effect
A Thai man goes into a trance and races towards a stage area during an occult rite at Bang Phra Temple, 30 miles west of Bangkok. AP/WideWorld Photos.


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

There are four different levels of brainwave activity that prescribe altered states of consciousness. These are designated beta, alpha, theta and delta. Normal wide awake consciousness is the beta state, with brainwaves ranging from 14 to 27 cycles per second. The next level down is the alpha level, and this is characterized by brainwaves of 8 to 13 cycles per second. Below this is theta at 4 to 8 cycles per second, and delta operates at 0 to 4 cycles per second.

Beta is the usual wide awake mode. During this mode, up to seventy-five percent of consciousness is spent monitoring physical functions. The next step down, alpha, is achieved in meditation. It is also the state for daydreaming, the hypnagogic state (just prior to falling asleep at night), and the hypnopompic state (just coming out of sleep in the morning). Alpha would be regarded as a “light trance” state.

The theta state is the equivalent of a light sleep, where there is a general unawareness of what is going on around the person. It is possible to achieve this state when in deep meditation. Delta, the deepest level, is sound asleep with no knowledge whatsoever of what is happening. It is the equivalent of somnambulism in hypnosis.

Trance in the Spiritualistic sense is the freeing of the spiritual perception, the freeing of those faculties which belong to the spiritual-being, and thereby suspending the physical-being. As the physical senses become dormant, there is a sinking sensation, or depending on the individual, it can be a soaring sensation. It is a sensation of freedom, of leaving the earthly restrictions on the physical body. Many mediums say that when going into trance it helps to be working in a circle of like-minded people. Whether or not they are all holding hands, there is a concentration of energies that can be enormously beneficial to the medium in passing into trance and establishing contact with the spirit world. The British medium ivy Northage said,

The medium’s mind is taken over to a greater or lesser degree by the controlling spirit. In my own case this was a gradual process of complete withdrawal on my part and an increasing command on Chan’s [her spirit guide]. Its purpose in psychic and spiritual terms is to extend the power of spiritual influence to reach and obtain more positive response in communication with the other world. Many would-be mediums believe trance work will automatically separate them from subconscious interference, but this is not so. Its first essential is a loose etheric body, together with a mental confidence in their own purpose and the ability of the guides who work with them. It is never a substitute for positive mediumship, but can reduce obstruction to spirit activity by creating a real dependence upon the guide, thus enabling him to work more freely. This must depend upon the depth of trance and the ability of the medium to control his own thoughts and emotions.

Not all Spiritualist mediums go into trance. John Edward is a good example of someone who operates in full consciousness (and in full light) and is extremely effective in his spiritual contact. But for every one that does not go into trance, there are many more who do, though the depth of that trance may vary tremendously. For some phenomena—mostly physical—a deep trance does seem to be essential.

Trance may occur intentionally or spontaneously, and might be just a light trance or one of the deeper variety. In the lighter trance, the medium invariably has full memory after the event of all that transpired. In the deeper states, the medium has no knowledge of what took place the whole time he or she was in the altered state. Sometimes a medium is not even aware of being in trance because it is such a light one. For example, most mediums and psychics would swear they are not entranced when doing something like psychometry or simple clairvoyance, yet they have invariably slipped from the beta state into the beginnings of alpha.

Mediumistic trance can be induced hypnotically, but it is essentially different from plain hypnotic trance. When a hypnotist places a subject under hypnosis, that subject remains in rapport with the hypnotist, a living person. In a mediumistic trance, the medium loses all contact with the living and attunes to the spiritual realm, to the point where it is almost as though the spirit guide is the “hypnotist.”

Nandor Fodor described Boston medium Leonora Piper (1859–1950) as “the foremost trance medium in the history of psychical research.” She described her own trance, saying,

I feel as if something were passing over my brain, making it numb; a sensation similar to that experienced when I was etherised, only the unpleasant odour of the ether is absent. I feel a little cold, too, not very, just a little, as a cold breeze passed over me, and people and objects become smaller until they finally disappear; then, I know nothing more until I wake up, when the first thing I am conscious of is a bright, a very bright light, and then darkness, such darkness. My hands and arms begin to tingle just as one’s foot tingles after it has been “asleep,” and I see, as if from a great distance, objects and people in the room; but they are very small and very black.

Nandor Fodor said of Leonora Piper’s trance, On awakening from trance Mrs. Piper often pronounced names and fragments of sentences which appeared to have been the last impressions on her brain. After that she resumed the conversation at the point where it was broken off before she fell into trance.

In the earlier days of mediumship, the act of going into trance frequently seemed a painful one. Mediums would grimace and contort their faces and bodies, some even tearing their hair! Thankfully the process today seems much easier, with the medium slipping into unconsciousness as one slips into sleep.


Buckland, Raymond: Buckland’s Book of Spirit Communications. St. Paul: Llewellyn, 2004Fodor, Nandor: Encyclopedia of Psychic Science. London: Arthurs Press, 1933 Northage, Ivy: Mechanics of Mediumship. London: College of Psychic Studies, 1973Northage, Ivy: Mediumship Made Simple. London: College of Psychic Studies, 1986Transcendental Meditation see Meditation



a state of impaired consciousness during which automatic, seemingly sensible, and sometimes complex acts (such as walking on the street or traveling by public transportation) are performed. Acts performed during a state of trance are not recalled. Trance occurs mainly in connection with epilepsy, hysteria, and deep hypnosis. The term is also used to denote detached, ecstatic, and clairvoyant states.



 [trans] a state of altered consciousness characterized by heightened focal awareness and reduced peripheral awareness; a sleeplike state of reduced consciousness and activity.


(trans), Abbreviation for tumor necrosis factor-related activation-induced cytokine, which stimulates osteoclast differentiation. Synonym(s): OPG ligand [TNF-related activation-induced cytokine]


(trans), An altered state of consciousness as in hypnosis, catalepsy, or ecstasy. Synonym(s): osteoclast differentiation factor [L. transeo, to go across]


(trăns)n.1. A hypnotic, cataleptic, or ecstatic state.2. Detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming.3. A semiconscious state, as between sleeping and waking; a daze.tr.v. tranced, trancing, trances To put into a trance; entrance.
trance′like′ adj.


Psychiatry A state of focused attention and diminished sensory and motor activity seen in hypnosis, hysterical neurosis, dissociative types. See Ecstatic religious state, Neurosis.


(trans) An altered state of consciousness as in hypnosis, catalepsy, or ecstasy. [L. transeo, to go across]


A state of reduced consciousness with diminished voluntary action. Trances may occur in some forms of EPILEPSY, in CATALEPSY, in HYSTERIA and in HYPNOSIS.


Acronym for tumour-necrosis-factor-related activation-induced cytokine. This cytokine stimulates osteoclast differentiation and offers the possibility of developing new control over bone loss in osteoporosis.


TRANCETechnical Research in Acoustic Neural Consciousness Enhancement
TRANCETNF-Related Activation-Induced Cytokine


  • all
  • noun
  • verb

Synonyms for trance

noun daze


  • daze
  • dream
  • spell
  • ecstasy
  • muse
  • abstraction
  • rapture
  • reverie
  • stupor
  • unconsciousness
  • hypnotic state

Synonyms for trance

noun the condition of being so lost in solitary thought as to be unaware of one's surroundings


  • absent-mindedness
  • abstraction
  • bemusement
  • brown study
  • daydreaming
  • muse
  • reverie
  • study

noun a stunned or bewildered condition


  • befuddlement
  • bewilderedness
  • bewilderment
  • daze
  • discombobulation
  • fog
  • muddle
  • mystification
  • perplexity
  • puzzlement
  • stupefaction
  • stupor

Synonyms for trance

noun a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation


  • spell
  • enchantment

Related Words

  • mental condition
  • mental state
  • psychological condition
  • psychological state
  • possession
  • captivation
  • fascination

noun a state of mind in which consciousness is fragile and voluntary action is poor or missing

Related Words

  • unconsciousness
  • hypnotic trance
  • ecstatic state
  • religious trance

verb attract


  • bewitch
  • captivate
  • charm
  • enamor
  • enamour
  • entrance
  • becharm
  • beguile
  • enchant
  • capture
  • fascinate
  • catch

Related Words

  • hold
  • attract
  • appeal
  • work




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