Vaillant, André
Vaillant, André
Born Nov. 3, 1890, in Soissons. French linguist. Specialist in the Old Slavonic language. Professor at the École Supérieure in Paris. Vaillant’s chief works are on historical grammar, historical lexicology, and the etymology of the Slavic languages, including Russian. He is the author of A Guide to the Old Slavonic Language (1948; Russian translation, 1952).
Grammaire de la langue serbo-croate, 2nd ed. Paris, 1952. (With A. Meillet.)La Langue de Dominko Zlataric, poète ragusain de la fin du XVI-e siècle, vols. 1-2. Paris, 1928-31.
L’Evangélaire de Kulakia, un parler slave du Bas-Vardar. Paris, 1938. (With A. Mazon.)
Grammaire comparée des langues slaves, vols. 1-3. Paris, 1950-66.