Verdur Rock

Verdur Rock

Last weekend of JuneVerdur Rock, a music festival held in the French-speaking region of Belgium known as Wallonia, offers amateur rock bands a rare shot at playing before a large audience. As many as 10,000 gather for the free one-day event at the Verdur Theater, an open-air venue standing on top of the historic citadel of Namur. The festival was founded in 1985 and is coordinated by the Youth Service de la Ville de Namur.
Over the years organizers have negotiated a balance between established international and Belgian performers and the "Young Talents," local French-speaking bands who earn stage slots by beating out other competitors. Concert performers include past Verdur Rock winners and the victor of the CÉgep Rock contest, a sister festival held in Montreal, Canada, also catering to amateur acts.
Youth Service
Esplanade de l'Hôtel de Ville
Namur, Wallonia Belgium