Physical Culture, Institutes of

Physical Culture, Institutes of


educational institutions that train teachers of physical education and coaches of various sports to work in all types of educational institutions, sports societies, and other organizations. In 1977, the USSR had 22 institutes for training in physical education (see Table 1).

Table 1. Institutes of physical culture in the USSR
 Founded Location
1 First organized in 1918; received its present name in 1974
Armenian Institute ...............1945....Yerevan
Byelorussian Institute ...............1937....Minsk
Cheliabinsk Institute ...............1975....Cheliabinsk
Georgian Institute ...............1938....Tbillisi
Kazakh Institute ...............1945....Alma-Ata
Khabarovsk Institute ...............1967....khabarovsk
Kiev Institute ...............1930....Kiev
Kirghiz Institute ...............1955....Frunze
Krasnodar Institute ...............1969....Krasnodar
Latvian Institute ...............1946....Riga
Lithuanian Institute ...............1945....Kaunas
L’vov Institute ...............1946....L’vov
M. I. Kalinin Tadzhik Institute ...............1971....Dushanbe
Moscow Oblast Institute ...............1976....Malakhovka
Omsk Institute ...............1950....Omsk
P. F. Lesgaft State Institute ...............1919....Leningrad
S. M. Kirov Azerbaijan Institute ...............1930....Baku
Smolensk Institute ...............1950....Smolensk
State Central Institute ...............1918....Moscow
Twice Awarded the Order of Red Banner Military Institute ...............1....Leningrad
Uzbek Institute ...............1955....Tashkent
Volgograd Institute ...............1955....Volgograd

Most institutes of physical culture have pedagogical and sports departments, as well as correspondence departments; some also have preparatory divisions. All institutes have sports clubs for students to improve their skills. The course of study lasts four years.

Graduate programs in physical education are offered at the P. F. Lesgaft State Institute and the Kiev, Georgian, and Byelorussian institutes. The institutes in Moscow, Leningrad, and Kiev are qualified to accept students for defense of candidate dissertations, and the institute in Moscow also accepts students for the doctoral degree.

Degrees in physical education are also offered by 89 pedagogical institutes, ten universities, and the Karaganda Institute of Physical Education.