释义 |
Sar·co·mas·ti·goph·o·ra (sar'kō-mas'ti-gof'ŏ-ră), A phylum of the subkingdom Protozoa characterized by flagella, pseudopodia, or both types of locomotory organelles; includes both the flagellates (subphylum Mastigophora) and the amebae (subphylum Sarcodina) in a single large assemblage. [sarco- + G. mastix (mastig-), whip, + phoros, to bear] Sar·co·mas·ti·goph·o·ra (sahrkō-masti-gofŏr-ă) A phylum of the subkingdom Protozoa characterized by flagella, pseudopodia, or both types of locomotory organelles; includes both flagellates and amebae. [sarco- + G. mastix (mastig-), whip, + phoros, to bear] |