

 [ti-al´o-sēl] a cystic tumor containing saliva.


(ran'yū-lă), 1. Hypoglottis. 2. Any cystic tumor of the undersurface of the tongue or floor of the mouth, especially one of the floor of the mouth due to obstruction of the duct of the sublingual glands. Synonym(s): ptyalocele, ranine tumor, sialocele, sublingual cyst [L. tadpole, dim. of rana, frog]


(ran'yū-lă) 1. Hypoglottis. 2. Any cystic tumor of the undersurface of the tongue or floor of the mouth, especially one of the floor of the mouth due to obstruction of the duct of the sublingual glands.
Synonym(s): ptyalocele, sialocele, sublingual cyst.
[L. tadpole, dim. of rana, frog]