physical map

phys·i·cal map

a map of a stretch of DNA with ordered landmarks a known distance from each other; the ultimate physical map would be the base sequence of the entire chromosome.

phys·i·cal map

(fiz'i-kăl map) A map of a stretch of DNA with ordered landmarks a known distance from each other; the ultimate physical map would be the base sequence of the entire chromosome.

physical map

(of genome) a map consisting of an ordered set of DNA fragments representing the genome or a particular, localized genomic region. A physical map may be a restriction map, comprising of an ordered set of DNA fragments generated by using RESTRICTION ENZYMES. The map indicates the position and number of restriction sites for specific enzymes. For large genomes, restriction enzymes that cleave the DNA infrequently are used to generate large restriction fragments that can be ordered in a macro-restriction map. An ordered clone map, or clone contig map consists of an overlapping collection of cloned DNA fragments comprising all the DNA of the genome or part of the genome.See CLONE CONTIG SEQUENCING METHOD.