Sotsialnoe Obespechenie

Sotsial’noe Obespechenie


(Social Security), a monthly journal of the Ministry of Social Security of the RSFSR. Sotsial’noe obespechenie has been published in Moscow since 1926. Between 1926 and 1930 it was called Voprosy sotsial’nogo obespecheniia (Problems of Social Security).

Sotsial’noe obespechenie publishes articles on the work of social-security agencies in the USSR, on medical-labor expertise, on the work and living conditions provided for the disabled, and on the prosthetic and orthopedic facilities operated by the social-security system. The journal also provides legal advice on pensions and labor laws and information of social security in other countries. In 1976 the journal was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. Circulation, more than 100,000 (1978).