Shope papilloma

Shope pap·il·lo·ma

(shōp), a papillomatous growth found in wild cottontail rabbits originally described by Shope that is caused by a virus in the family Papovaviridae and can be transferred to domestic rabbits in which it will cause similar growths. A high percentage of these growths may become malignant.


Richard E., U.S. pathologist, 1902-1966. Shope fibroma - a connective tissue tumor of cottontail rabbits caused by a poxvirus of the genus Leporipoxvirus. Synonym(s): rabbit fibromaShope fibroma virus - a poxvirus of the genus Leporipoxvirus, closely related to vaccinia and myxoma viruses, that causes Shope fibroma. Synonym(s): rabbit fibroma virusShope papilloma - a papillomatous growth found in wild cottontail rabbits.Shope papilloma virus - a papillomavirus infecting wild cottontail rabbits.