physician test
physician test
Managed care A noninvasive diagnostic procedure performed by a physician–eg, cardiac stress test, EKG monitoring, etc–eg, audiometry. Cf Evaluation and management service, Procedure.Patient discussion about physician test
Q. What tests can the doctors do to see if I have cancer cells still in me? Am using my friend user name. I had a mastectomy in October of the 3cms lump. They also removed lymph nodes from armpit. They found that 2 nodes were slightly infected and 2 blood vessels leading away were the same. My oncologist says I should start chemo for 5 months followed by 5 wks of radiotherapy. I am awaiting the results from bone, heart, lungs and blood tests. What tests can the doctors do to see if I have cancer cells still in me?
Q. Is there a chance for the urine test at the doctor's office to go wrong? Four times I have experienced home pregnancy tests. They all came positive to my delight. Once I had a urine test in a clinic it came negative. I was told at the clinic by a nurse that the home pregnancy test may go wrong. I am completely confused. Is there a chance for the urine test at the doctor's office to go wrong?
sometimes when you're happened to check the pregnancy with 'poor-pregnancy-test-device' you can have your result mistaken. if you want to be sure, check it in your doctor's office, and discuss that with your doctor. and one more thing, yes it's true the later you're having late period the higher the probability you're having positive result. so, don't get confused, okay?
Q. I have developed a low back pain from some heavy lifting over the weekend. What tests in the doctor's office can I expect to confirm this. And what should the treatment be. I suspect a sacriliac strain.