

单词 sound barrier

sound barrier

sound barrier

n.1. See sonic barrier.2. A set of tall barriers placed along a road or highway to muffle the sound of traffic.

sound barrier

n (Aeronautics) (not in technical usage) a hypothetical barrier to flight at or above the speed of sound, when a sudden large increase in drag occurs. Also called: sonic barrier or transonic barrier

sound′ bar`rier

n. an abrupt increase in drag experienced by an aircraft approaching the speed of sound. [1950–55]

sound barrier

The sudden, sharp increase in drag experienced by aircraft approaching the speed of sound. Also called sonic barrier.
Noun1.sound barrier - the increase in aerodynamic drag as an airplane approaches the speed of soundsonic barrierdrag, retarding force - the phenomenon of resistance to motion through a fluid
Schallmauermur du sonbarriera del suonoquello che sento non mi piacestretto

sound barrier

sound barrier:

see aerodynamicsaerodynamics,
study of gases in motion. As the principal application of aerodynamics is the design of aircraft, air is the gas with which the science is most concerned. Although aerodynamics is primarily concerned with flight, its principles are also used in designing automobile
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Sound barrier

Any solid obstacle that is relatively opaque to sound that blocks the line of sight between a sound source and the point of reception of the sound.

sound barrier

[′sau̇nd ‚bar·ē·ər] (aerospace engineering) sonic barrier

sound barrier

Any solid obstacle which is relatively opaque to sound that blocks the line of sight between a sound source and the point of reception of the sound.

sound barrier

A so-called barrier to flight encountered by an airplane designed for subsonic speeds when it reaches transonic speeds and meets the turbulence incident of diverse degrees of compressibility. An intense buffet and the loss of controls to a varying degree may also be experienced at this speed. Also called a transonic barrier.

sound barrier

a hypothetical barrier to flight at or above the speed of sound, when a sudden large increase in drag occurs

sound barrier

  • noun

Synonyms for sound barrier

noun the increase in aerodynamic drag as an airplane approaches the speed of sound


  • sonic barrier

Related Words

  • drag
  • retarding force




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