

单词 sas



abbreviation for (Military) Special Air Service
Noun1.SAS - a specialist regiment of the British army that is trained in commando techniques of warfare and used in clandestine operations (especially against terrorist groups)Special Air Servicecommando - an amphibious military unit trained for raids into enemy territoryBritain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom



Abbrev. for Small Astronomical Satellite. Any of a series of US X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy satellites of the 1970s. SAS–1, later named Uhuru, was launched in Dec. 1970. It was devoted entirely to X-ray astronomy and provided a wealth of data. SAS–2, launched in Nov. 1972, carried equipment, including a spark chamber, for gamma-ray measurements while SAS–3, launched in May 1975, carried X-ray detectors.


(inorganic chemistry) aluminum sodium sulfate (aerospace engineering) stability augmentation system


(language)Statistical Analysis System.


(tool)SAS System.


(1) See also SSA.

(2) (Spectrum Access System) See 3.5 GHz band.

(3) The serial version of the SCSI interface. See serial attached SCSI.

(4) (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, www.sas.com) A software company that specializes in business analytics, founded in 1976. See SAS System.

(5) (Single Attached Station) See FDDI.



Abbreviation for:
sarcoma-amplified sequence
saturated ammonium sulphate
Scottish Ambulance Service 
serrated adenoma
severe aortic stenosis
short aorta syndrome
Sklar Aphasia Scale
sleep apnoea syndrome
space adaptation syndrome
staff and associate specialists, see there 
standard accounting system
subvalvular aortic stenosis
Supplier Attachment Scheme
FinancialSeehard disk


SASSpecial Air Service (British Special Forces)
SASScandinavian Airline Systems (ICAO code)
SASScience Analysis System
SASSerial-Attached SCSI (Small Computer System Interface)
SASSchool of Advanced Study
SASSystem(s) Acquisition Support
SASStatement on Auditing Standards
SASSchool of Arts and Sciences
SASStatistical Analysis System (software)
SASSan Antonio Spurs (basketball team)
SASStrategy and Security
SASSocial Anxiety Support (website; est. 2000)
SASSocial Anxiety Syndrome (psychology)
SASSafe and Secure (various companies)
SASService Assurance (Sprint)
SASSemester At Sea
SASStatistical Analysis Software
SASSafe and Sound (various organizations)
SASSecurity Alarm System
SASSupport a School
SASSubstance Abuse Services (behavioral health)
SASSingapore American School
SASServicio Andaluz de Salud
SASStudent Academic Services
SASSurfers Against Sewage
SASSweet and Sour
SASShanghai American School (Shanghai, China)
SASSituational Awareness System
SASSouthern All Stars
SASSpace and Airborne Systems (Raytheon Company)
SASStudent Accessibility Services (various organizations)
SASSponsor a Student (program; various locations)
SASStatic Analysis Symposium
SASSchoeller Arca Systems (various locations)
SASSociedad por Acciones Simplificadas (Spanish: Simplified Stock Corporation)
SASSt. Andrews-Sewanee (Sewanee, TN)
SASSRS Audio Sandbox (software)
SASSino-American Silicon (Taiwan)
SASSurvival at Sea (handbook)
SASSociety for Amateur Scientists (est. 1994)
SASSouthern Audio Services (Baton Rouge, LA)
SASSchool of Applied Studies (various schools)
SASSing Along Song
SASSelf-Assessment Scale
SASStudent Academic Support (various schools)
SASShort And Sweet (speech)
SASSilver Age Sentinels (superhero role-playing game)
SASSecond Avenue Subway (Metropolitan Transportation Authority; New York, NY)
SASSoftware Application Support (Cisco)
SASStudent Assessment System (various organizations)
SASShock Absorbing System
SASStudent Access and Success
SASSpool Access Support
SASSecure Authentication Services
SASStand Alone Service
SASSoftware Application Support
SASSeparate Address Space
SASStatistically Assigned Sockets
SASSimultaneous Action System
SASSystem Architecture Specification
SASShadow Address Space
SASSwitched Access Services
SASShort Authentication String
SASSystem Administrators
SASSecurity Announcement System
SASStand Alone System
SASSingle Attachment System
SASServer Automation System
SASSwitch Access System
SASSerial Attached Scsi
SASStatus and Sense
SASSecurity Administration System
SASStand Alone Switch
SASSingle Attachment Station
SASSecurity Associations
SASStatistical Analysis System
SASSecurity Administration Server
SASStand Alone Smlc
SASSecure Association Service
SASStand Alone Server
SASSan Andreas Stories
SASSpeak and Spell
SASSenior Administrative Staff (various organizations)
SASSystem of Active Stability (Toyota forklift stability system terminology)
SASSecondary Air Supply
SASSugar and Spice
SASSyracuse Academy of Science (Syracuse, NY)
SASShort Attention Span (band)
SASSolar Array System
SASStrong Arm Steady (Rap Group)
SASSecret Air Service (UK)
SASSociety for Applied Spectroscopy
SASScottish Ambulance Service
SASSword and Skull (gaming)
SASSchool of Administrative Studies (various schools)
SASSpecialty Answering Service (telecommunications)
SASStudent Administration System
SASSociety for Animation Studies (est. 1987)
SASStorytelling Adventure System
SASSpace Adaptation Syndrome
SASSafety At Sea
SASStaff and Associate Specialist
SASSpine Arthroplasty Society
SASSecurity Assessment Service (computer security)
SASServer Attached Storage
SASSubaortic Stenosis (cardiology)
SASSaturated Absorption Spectroscopy (physics)
SASSubarachnoid Space (band)
SASStability Augmentation System
SASSynthetic Aperture Sonar (sidescan sonar imagery)
SASSecure Attention Sequence (Microsoft Windows NT/2000)
SASSelf-rating Anxiety Scale (Zung)
SASStay Aspen Snowmass (Aspen, CO)
SASSpecial Airport Systems
SASSatellite Data Acquisition System
SASSelf-Anchored Suspension (bridges)
SASSociété par Action Simplifiée
SASStudy Area Specification
SASStudent Administration and Support (various locations)
SASSchool Administration System (various locations)
SASSubstation Automation System
SASStand Alone Store
SASSoftware Applications Specialist
SASService Automation Suite (software)
SASSpecial Ammunition Storage (US DoD)
SASStudent Advising Services (various schools)
SASSeverity Assessment Scale (alcohol withdrawal)
SASSenior and Adult Services (various locations)
SASSteering Angle Sensor
SASSupport Administrative Services
SASSub-Arctic Summer
SASSolid Axle Swap
SASSyndrome d'Apnée du Sommeil (French: Sleep Apnea Syndrome)
SASSmall Area Statistics (UK)
SASSmall Astronomy Satellite
SASShared Administrative Services (various organizations)
SASSan Antonio Shoes
SASSow-a-Seed Foundation (Malaysia)
SASSociety for Applied Sociology
SASSingle Attached Station (FDDI)
SASStretch Arm Strong (band)
SASScientific Analysis Section (US FBI)
SASSon Altesse Sérénissime (French)
SASSanger Adult School (California)
SASStudent Acheivement Services (various schools)
SASSystem Administration Services (Sprint)
SASStudent & Auxiliary Services (various locations)
SASStatement of Accounting Standard
SASSociety of American Silversmiths
SASSociety for Archaeological Sciences
SASSaint Andrew's School
SASSwiss Academy of Sciences
SASService Acquisition Strategy (US Army)
SASSealed Authenticator System (US DoD)
SASSoftware Accomplishment Summary
SASSpecial Aquatic Site (US Army)
SASSpace Access Society
SASSecurity Advisory Services
SASStudent Assistance Scheme (various schools)
SASSurplus Activated Sludge
SASSensors Applications Symposium
SASSt Augustine's School (Gold Coast, Australia)
SASStudies, Analysis, and Simulation (panel)
SASSociety for Armenian Studies
SASSlot Accounting System (casinos)
SASSecond Amendment Sisters, Inc.
SASSingle Audio System
SASSafety and Automation System
SASSales Accounting System
SASSecure Access System (Nokia)
SASStrategic Algebra Support
SASSociety for Astronomical Sciences
SASSequences Annotated by Structure
SASSpace Aggressor Squadron
SASStatement of Affiliation Status (universities)
SASShinto Association of Spiritual Leadership
SASShearer & Sutton (sports)
SASSpecial Activities Squadron
SASState Air Surgeon (Air National Guard; various states)
SASSecurity Accreditation Scheme (Global System for Mobile Communications)
SASSistema de Alerta Sísmica (Spanish: Seismic Warning System, México)
SASSecure Application Switch
SASSpecial Analytical Services (US EPA)
SASSecondary Antenna System
SASSuomen Automaatioseura ry (Finnish Society of Automation)
SASSwitched Access Service (Bellcore)
SASStockton Astronomical Society (Stockton, CA)
SASSocietà Accomandita Semplice (Italy)
SASStripped Arbitrary Separators (database querying)
SASSentry Air Systems (Houston, TX)
SASSolar Aspect System
SASSolar-Array Simulator
SASStraight Axle Swap (automobiles)
SASSide-Angle-Side postulate (geometry)
SASSpokane Astronomical Society (Spokane, WA)
SASStand Alone Subsidiary
SASSpeed, Aggression, Surprise
SASStudent Affiliates of Seventeen (US national graduate student organization)
SASSoutheast Alternative School (Massachusetts)
SASStatically Assigned Socket (Cisco)
SASSignaling Application System
SASSharp Amenity Systems Corporation (Japan)
SASSkilled-Australian Sponsored (worker status)
SASStanford Astronomical Society (Stanford, CA)
SASSubscriber Alerting Signal (caller ID with call waiting)
SASSecondary Alarm Station
SASSapporo Auto Salon (Japan)
SASSheboygan Astronomical Society (Sheboygan, WI)
SASSu Alti Savunma (Turkish Special Forces)
SASStudy Group on Alternative Security
SASShoalhaven Anglican School (Milton, NSW, Australia)
SASStudent Administrative Services Center
SASSwedish Astronomical Society (Stockholm, Sweden)
SASSevere Acronym Shortage (humor)
SASScandinavian Auction Systems
SASSafety Advisory Services Ltd (UK)
SASStudent Association Senate
SASSystem Architecture Specification (software description)
SASSlovak Architects Society (Bratislava, Slovakia)
SASSurveillance and Safety
SASSignal Acquisition System
SASSingle And Searching
SASSchaefer Ambulance Service
SASSterile Aqueous Solution
SASSaint Anne School
SASSex And Suspense
SASSupply Air Sensor
SASSurvivable Adaptive Systems
SASSupport Analysis for Software
SASSpecial Assault Squad (gaming)
SASSignature Authority System
SASScientific American Surgery
SASSpecial Access Surcharge
SASScientific Asset Service (General Electric Healthcare)
SASService Accounting System
SASSuper Alien Strike (game)
SASSwiss Academic Skiclub
SASStaff and Specialist (UK)
SASSerial Access Storage
SASSouthern Asian region
SASSignature Augmentation Subsystem
SASSupervision After School (program)
SASScout Active Support (UK)
SASSystem Acquisition School (US Air Force Institute of Technology)
SASShared Administrative Support
SASSubscriber Access Switch
SASSilicon Avalanche Suppressor
SASSa Sanctuary (band)
SASSociétés d'Afrique et Sida (French)
SASSwitch Access System (Sprint)
SASSurvival Avionics System
SASSilicon Asymmetrical Switch
SASSimplified Acquisition Specialist
SASSpecial Airlift Summary
SASSmart Antenna Savvy
SASSpecial Airlock System (air cleanliness, production rooms)
SASSpecial Airlock System
SASSoftware Architecture Summit
SASSeismic Acoustic Sensor
SASSpecific Airworthiness Specification
SASSales After Service
SASSecondary Automation Systems
SASSmall Angle Source (ion)
SASSecurity Administration Server/System
SASStand Alone Span (Ciena)
SASScience Alberta School
SASSoftware Architecture Skeleton
SASServer Arbitration Scheme
SASSki Association of Suginami (Tokyo, Japan)
SASScorpSik Appreciation Society
SASSecurity Assistance Survey
SASSassone Specialized Italian Postage Stamp Catalog (philatelic catalog)
SASSystem Automation Software Company
SASSealed Authentication System
SASSpecial Ammunition Stockage
SASSeaWIFSborne Simulator
SASSemi-Annual Soils
SASSurplus Asset Sales Co. (Exton, PA)
SAS[not an acronym] SAS Insitute Inc. (formerly Statistical Analysis System)
SASSwindon Association of Snails (UK)
SASSpherical Accuracy Standard
SASSteerable Antenna System
SASSystem Analysis and Stimulation
SASSafety Access System
SASShip Announcing Service
SASStudent Architectural Society
SASSurplus Asset Sales Company, Inc. (Iowa)
SASStrategic Automation Solutions
SASService Archive Script (file created by a network server for backup)
SASSeven Abominable Sins
SASSeverely Errored Frame Alarmed Indication Signal (DSC)
SASSocietatis Antiquariorum Socius (Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries)
SASSeverely Alarmed (errored) Second (NEC)
SASService Applications and Systems
SASSterile Access System
SASSuborbital Aeroscience Studies (high school program)
SASSystem Administration Shelter
SASStaff Administrative Specialist
SASStartup Attribute Set
SASSpecial Account System
SASStorage Archival Subsystem
SASSatellite Audio Service
SASStrategic Accounts Services (Enteract, 21st Century Telecom)
SASSpecialist Assurance Services (New Zealand)
SASStreamline Accommodation Solutions (Australia)
SASSimpson-Angus Extrapyramidal Symptoms Scale (also seen as S-A)
SASSociety of Academic Surgeons


  • noun

Synonyms for SAS

noun a specialist regiment of the British army that is trained in commando techniques of warfare and used in clandestine operations (especially against terrorist groups)


  • Special Air Service

Related Words

  • commando
  • Britain
  • Great Britain
  • U.K.
  • UK
  • United Kingdom
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland




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