Acronym | Definition |
TMB➣Tetramethylbenzidine |
TMB➣Tour du Mont Blanc (French: Tour of Mont Blanc; long distance walking trail) |
TMB➣Tourismus Marketing Brandenburg (Brandenburg, Germany) |
TMB➣Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd. (India) |
TMB➣Telekom Malaysia Berhad (Malaysian telecommunications company; also seen as TM) |
TMB➣Technical Management Board |
TMB➣The Midnight Beast |
TMB➣The Martinez Brothers (band; New York) |
TMB➣Trio Madeira Brasil (Brazilian music) |
TMB➣Take Me Back |
TMB➣Trojan Marching Band (University of Southern California) |
TMB➣Twisted Metal: Black (video game) |
TMB➣Touch My Body (song) |
TMB➣The Moody Blues (band) |
TMB➣Third Millennium Bible |
TMB➣Too Many Birthdays |
TMB➣Technology Management and Business |
TMB➣Trench Mortar Battery |
TMB➣Text Me Back |
TMB➣Traffic Management Bureau (China) |
TMB➣Tropical Marine Biology (various schools) |
TMB➣Transports Municipals de Barcelona (Catalan) |
TMB➣The Monster Blog (website) |
TMB➣Tag Me Back (Nexopia) |
TMB➣Tech-Marine Business |
TMB➣Training Management Branch |
TMB➣Too Much Booze |
TMB➣Traffic Manager Board |
TMB➣Kendall-Tamiami Executive Airport, Miami, FL, USA (airport code) |
TMB➣The Miracle Blades (cutlery) |
TMB➣Terminating Message Buffers |