

 [bahr″bo-tahzh´] (Fr.) repeated alternate injection and withdrawal of fluid with a syringe, as in gastric lavage or administration of an anesthetic agent into the subarachnoid space by alternate injection of part of the anesthetic and withdrawal of cerebrospinal fluid into the syringe.


(bar'bō-tahzh'), A method of spinal anesthesia in which a portion of the anesthetic solution is injected into the cerebrospinal fluid, which is then aspirated back into the syringe and reinjected. [Fr. barboter, to dabble]


(bahr'bō-tahzh') A method of spinal anesthesia in which a portion of the anesthetic solution is injected into the cerebrospinal fluid, which is then aspirated back into the syringe and reinjected. [Fr. barboter, to dabble]


A method of pain control designed to interrupt the pain pathways in the spinal cord. 20 ml of cerebrospinal fluid are repeatedly withdrawn and reinjected from the space surrounding the cord. Most patients enjoy relief of pain for up to seven months.