

单词 short



S0362100 (shôrt)adj. short·er, short·est 1. Having little length; not long.2. Having little height; not tall.3. Extending or traveling not far or not far enough: a short toss.4. a. Lasting a brief time: a short holiday.b. Appearing to pass quickly: finished the job in a few short months.5. Not lengthy; succinct: short and to the point.6. a. Rudely brief; abrupt: The owner was quite short with the new hire.b. Easily provoked; irascible: has a short temper.7. Inadequate; insufficient: oil in short supply; were short on experience.8. Lacking in length or amount: a board that is short two inches.9. Lacking in breadth or scope: a short view of the problem.10. Deficient in retentiveness: a short memory.11. a. Holding a trading position that is inversely related to the price of a security or index: short investors; an investor who is short gold.b. Of or relating to a short sale: a short position.12. a. Containing a large amount of shortening; flaky: a short pie crust.b. Not ductile; brittle: short iron.13. a. Linguistics Of, relating to, or being a speech sound of relatively brief duration, as the first vowel sound in the Latin word mălus, "evil," as compared with the same or a similar sound of relatively long duration, as the first vowel sound in the Latin word mālus, "apple tree."b. Grammar Of, relating to, or being a vowel sound in English, such as the vowel sound (ă) in pat or (o͝o) in put, that is descended from a vowel of brief duration.14. Being of relatively brief duration. Used of a syllable in quantitative prosody.15. Slang Close to the end of a tour of military duty.adv. shorter, shortest 1. Abruptly; quickly: stop short.2. In a rude or curt manner.3. At a point before a given boundary, limit, or goal: a missile that landed short of the target.4. At a disadvantage: We were caught short by the sudden storm.5. By means of a short sale: selling a commodity short.n.1. Something short, as:a. Linguistics A short syllable, vowel, or consonant.b. A brief film; a short subject.c. A size of clothing less long than the average for that size.d. shorts Short pants extending to the knee or above.e. shorts Undershorts.2. a. A short sale.b. One that sells short.3. shorts A byproduct of wheat processing that consists of germ, bran, and coarse meal or flour.4. shorts Clippings or trimmings that remain as byproducts in various manufacturing processes, often used to make an inferior variety of the product.5. a. A short circuit.b. A malfunction caused by a short circuit.6. Baseball A shortstop.v. short·ed, short·ing, shorts v.tr.1. To cause a short circuit in.2. Informal To give (one) less than one is entitled to; shortchange.3. To short-sell (a security or index).v.intr. To short-circuit.Idioms: for short As an abbreviation: He's called Ed for short. in short In summary; briefly. short for An abbreviation of: Ed is short for Edward. short of1. Having an inadequate supply of: We're short of cash.2. Less than: Nothing short of her best effort was required to make the team.3. Other than; without resorting to: Short of yelling at him, I had no other way to catch his attention.4. Not quite willing to undertake or do; just this side of: She stopped short of throwing out the old photo. the short end of the stick The worst side of an unequal deal.
[Middle English, from Old English sceort, scort; see sker- in Indo-European roots.]
short′ness n.


(ʃɔːt) adj1. of little length; not long2. of little height; not tall3. of limited duration4. not meeting a requirement; deficient: the number of places laid at the table was short by four. 5. (postpositive; often foll by of or on) lacking (in) or needful (of): I'm always short of money. 6. concise; succinct7. lacking in the power of retentiveness: a short memory. 8. abrupt to the point of rudeness: the salesgirl was very short with him. 9. (Banking & Finance) finance a. not possessing the securities or commodities that have been sold under contract and therefore obliged to make a purchase before the delivery dateb. of or relating to such sales, which depend on falling prices for profit10. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics a. denoting a vowel of relatively brief temporal durationb. classified as short, as distinguished from other vowels. Thus in English (ɪ) in bin, though of longer duration than (iː) in beat, is nevertheless regarded as a short vowelc. (in popular usage) denoting the qualities of the five English vowels represented orthographically in the words pat, pet, pit, pot, put, and putt11. (Poetry) prosody a. denoting a vowel that is phonetically short or a syllable containing such a vowel. In classical verse short vowels are followed by one consonant only or sometimes one consonant plus a following l or rb. (of a vowel or syllable in verse that is not quantitative) not carrying emphasis or accent; unstressed12. (Cookery) (of pastry) crumbly in texture. See also shortcrust pastry13. (Brewing) (of a drink of spirits) undiluted; neat14. (Gambling, except Cards) (of betting odds) almost even15. have someone by the short and curlies informal to have (someone) completely in one's power16. in short supply scarce17. short and sweet unexpectedly brief18. short for an abbreviation foradv19. abruptly: to stop short. 20. briefly or concisely21. rudely or curtly22. (Banking & Finance) finance without possessing the securities or commodities at the time of their contractual sale: to sell short. 23. caught short taken short having a sudden need to urinate or defecate24. fall short a. to prove inadequateb. (often foll by of) to fail to reach or measure up to (a standard)25. go short not to have a sufficient amount, etc26. short of except: nothing short of a miracle can save him now. n27. anything that is short28. (Brewing) a drink of spirits as opposed to a long drink such as beer29. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics prosody a short vowel or syllable30. (Poetry) phonetics prosody a short vowel or syllable31. (Banking & Finance) finance a. a short contract or saleb. a short seller32. (Film) a short film, usually of a factual nature33. (Electronics) See short circuit134. for short informal as an abbreviation: he is called Jim for short. 35. in short a. as a summaryb. in a few wordsvb (Electronics) See short circuit2[Old English scort; related to Old Norse skortr a lack, skera to cut, Old High German scurz short] ˈshortness n



adj. short•er, short•est,
adv., n., v. adj. 1. having little length; not long. 2. having little height; not tall. 3. extending or reaching only a little way: a short path. 4. brief in duration; not extensive in time. 5. concise, as writing. 6. rudely brief; abrupt. 7. low in amount; scanty: short rations. 8. not reaching a mark, target, or the like. 9. not reaching a standard, required level, etc.; deficient: a short measure. 10. having an insufficient amount (often fol. by in or on): He was short in experience. 11. (of pastry) crisp and flaky from being made with a large proportion of butter or other shortening. 12. (of metals) deficient in tenacity; friable; brittle. 13. a. (of a speech sound) lasting a relatively short time. b. having the sound of the English vowels in bat, bet, bit, hot, but, and put, historically descended from vowels that were short in duration. Compare long 1 (def. 18). 14. a. (of a syllable in quantitative verse) lasting a relatively short time. b. unstressed. 15. (of an alcoholic drink) small. adv. 16. abruptly or suddenly: to stop short. 17. briefly; curtly. 18. on the near side of an intended or particular point: The arrow landed short. n. 19. something that is short. 20. the sum and substance of a matter; gist (usu. prec. by the). 21. a deficiency or the amount of a deficiency; shortage. 22. shorts, a. trousers, knee-length or shorter. b. short pants worn by men as underwear; drawers. c. knee breeches, formerly worn by men. d. remnants or refuse of various cutting and manufacturing processes. 23. a. a size of garments for persons who are shorter than average. b. a garment in this size. 24. Mil. a shot that strikes or bursts short of the target. 25. short circuit. 26. a short sound or syllable. 27. shortstop (def. 1). 28. short subject. v.t. 29. to short-circuit. 30. to shortchange. v.i. 31. to short-circuit. Idioms: 1. come or fall short, a. to fail to reach a particular standard. b. to prove insufficient; be lacking. 2. cut short, to end abruptly; interrupt or terminate. 3. for short, by way of abbreviation. 4. in short, a. in summary. b. in brief. 5. sell short, a. to sell stocks at a high price without actually possessing them, expecting to cover them later at a lower price and keeping the price difference as profit. b. to disparage or underestimate. 6. short for, being a shorter form of: “Phone” is short for “telephone.” 7. short of, a. less than; inferior to. b. inadequately supplied with. c. without going to the length of: Short of murder, they would have tried anything. [before 900; Old English sceort, c. Old High German scurz] short′ish, adj. short′ness, n.


In artillery and naval gunfire support, a spotting, or an observation, used by an observer to indicate that a burst(s) occurred short of the target in relation to the spotting line.


– shortly">shortly – briefly">briefly1. 'short'

Short is an adjective. You usually use it to say that something does not last for a long time.

Let's take a short break.She made a short speech.
2. 'shortly'

Shortly is an adverb. If something is going to happen shortly, it is going to happen soon. This is a slightly old-fashioned use.

They should be returning shortly.

If something happened shortly after something else, it happened soon after it.

She died shortly afterwards.Very shortly after I started my job, I got promoted.
3. 'briefly'

Don't use 'shortly' to say that something lasts or is done for a short time. Don't say, for example, 'She told them shortly what had happened'. Use briefly.

She told them briefly what had happened.
Noun1.short - the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationedbaseball diamond, infield, diamond - the area of a baseball field that is enclosed by 3 bases and home plateparcel of land, piece of ground, piece of land, tract, parcel - an extended area of land
2.short - accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential differenceshort circuitcircuit, electric circuit, electrical circuit - an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flowtangency, contact - (electronics) a junction where things (as two electrical conductors) touch or are in physical contact; "they forget to solder the contacts"
3.short - the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third baseshortstopposition - (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"baseball team - a team that plays baseball
Verb1.short - cheat someone by not returning him enough moneyshort-changebunco, con, defraud, diddle, gip, goldbrick, gyp, hornswoggle, mulct, nobble, rook, scam, swindle, short-change, victimize - deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
2.short - create a short circuit inshort-circuitcreate, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
Adj.1.short - primarily temporal sense; indicating or being or seeming to be limited in duration; "a short life"; "a short flight"; "a short holiday"; "a short story"; "only a few short months"long - primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified; "a long life"; "a long boring speech"; "a long time"; "a long friendship"; "a long game"; "long ago"; "an hour long"
2.short - (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length; "short skirts"; "short hair"; "the board was a foot short"; "a short toss"long - primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified; "a long road"; "a long distance"; "contained many long words"; "ten miles long"
3.short - low in stature; not tall; "he was short and stocky"; "short in stature"; "a short smokestack"; "a little man"littlelow - literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension; "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow"tall - great in vertical dimension; high in stature; "tall people"; "tall buildings"; "tall trees"; "tall ships"
4.short - not sufficient to meet a need; "an inadequate income"; "a poor salary"; "money is short"; "on short rations"; "food is in short supply"; "short on experience"inadequate, poorinsufficient, deficient - of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement; "insufficient funds"
5.short - (of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range; "a short memory"forgetful, unretentiveunmindful, forgetful, mindless - not mindful or attentive; "while thus unmindful of his steps he stumbled"- G.B.Shaw
6.short - not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices; "a short sale"; "short in cotton"finance - the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assetslong - holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices; "is long on coffee"; "a long position in gold"
7.short - of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration; "the English vowel sounds in `pat', `pet', `pit', `pot', putt' are short"phonetics - the branch of acoustics concerned with speech processes including its production and perception and acoustic analysislong - (of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration; "the English vowel sounds in `bate', `beat', `bite', `boat', `boot' are long"
8.short - less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so; "a light pound"; "a scant cup of sugar"; "regularly gives short weight"scant, lightinsufficient, deficient - of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement; "insufficient funds"
9.short - lacking foresight or scope; "a short view of the problem"; "shortsighted policies"; "shortsighted critics derided the plan"; "myopic thinking"shortsighted, unforesightful, myopicimprovident - not provident; not providing for the future
10.short - tending to crumble or break into flakes due to a large amount of shortening; "shortbread is a short crumbly cookie"; "a short flaky pie crust"breakable - capable of being broken or damaged; "earthenware pottery is breakable"; "breakable articles should be packed carefully"
11.short - marked by rude or peremptory shortness; "try to cultivate a less brusque manner"; "a curt reply"; "the salesgirl was very short with him"brusk, brusque, curtdiscourteous - showing no courtesy; rude; "a distant and at times discourteous young"
Adv.1.short - quickly and without warningshort - quickly and without warning; "he stopped suddenly"abruptly, dead, suddenly
2.short - without possessing something at the time it is contractually sold; "he made his fortune by selling short just before the crash"finance - the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets
3.short - clean across; "the car's axle snapped short"
4.short - at some point or distance before a goal is reached; "he fell short of our expectations"
5.short - so as to interrupt; "She took him up short before he could continue"
6.short - at a disadvantage; "I was caught short"unawares
7.short - in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner; "he told me curtly to get on with it"; "he talked short with everyone"; "he said shortly that he didn't like it"curtly, shortly


adjective1. brief, quick, fleeting, short-term, lightning, short-lived, momentary, cursory We had a short meeting.
brief long, extended, long-term
2. concise, brief, succinct, contracted, clipped, compact, summary, compressed, curtailed, terse, laconic, pithy, abridged, compendious, sententious This is a short note to say thank you.
concise long, prolonged, lengthy, rambling, diffuse, long-winded, wordy, long-drawn-out, verbose, unabridged
3. small, little, wee, tiny, squat, diminutive, petite, pint-sized (informal), dumpy, dwarfish, knee high to a grasshopper, fubsy (archaic or dialect), knee high to a gnat I'm tall and thin and he's short and fat.
small big, tall, lofty, lanky
4. abrupt, sharp, terse, curt, blunt, crusty, gruff, brusque, offhand, testy, impolite, discourteous, uncivil She was definitely short with me.
abrupt civil, polite, courteous
5. (of pastry) crumbly, crisp, brittle, friable a crisp short pastry6. direct, straight, undeviating, through a short route through the town7. scarce, wanting, low, missing, limited, lacking, tight, slim, inadequate, insufficient, slender, scant, meagre, sparse, deficient, scanty Money was short in those days.
scarce sufficient, adequate, ample, abundant, plentiful, copious, inexhaustible, bountiful
adverb1. abruptly, suddenly, unaware, by surprise, without warning He had no insurance and was caught short when his house was burgled.
abruptly slowly, gradually, gently, bit by bit, little by little
cut someone short stop, interrupt, cut in on, butt in on His father cut him short.cut something short curtail, stop, reduce, halt, dock, terminate, abbreviate They had to cut short their holiday.in short briefly, in essence, in a word, in a nutshell, to cut a long story short, to come to the point, to put it briefly In short, it is a treaty that everyone should be pleased with.


adjective1. Not long in time or duration:brief.2. Accomplished in very little time:brief, expeditious, fast, flying, hasty, hurried, quick, rapid, speedy, swift.3. Marked by or consisting of few words that are carefully chosen:brief, compendious, concise, laconic, lean, succinct, summary, terse.4. Rudely unceremonious:abrupt, blunt, brief, brusque, crusty, curt, gruff, short-spoken.5. Not enough to meet a demand or requirement:deficient, inadequate, insufficient, scarce, shy, under, wanting.adverb1. Without any warning:abruptly, suddenly.Idiom: all of a sudden.2. Without adequate preparation:aback, unawarely, unawares.Idiom: by surprise.


(ʃoːt) adjective1. not long. You look nice with your hair short; Do you think my dress is too short? 短的 短的2. not tall; smaller than usual. a short man. 矮的 矮的3. not lasting long; brief. a short film; in a very short time; I've a very short memory for details. 短暫的 短暂的4. not as much as it should be. When I checked my change, I found it was 20 cents short. 短少的 短少的5. (with of) not having enough (money etc). Most of us are short of money these days. 缺少的 缺少的6. (of pastry) made so that it is crisp and crumbles easily. 脆的 脆的 adverb1. suddenly; abruptly. He stopped short when he saw me. 突然地,猛然 突然,急忙 2. not as far as intended. The shot fell short. 未達目標 达不到预想程度地ˈshortness noun 短,矮 短,矮 ˈshortage (-tidʒ) noun a lack; the state of not having enough. a shortage of water. 缺少 缺少ˈshorten verb to make or become shorter. The dress is too long – we'll have to shorten it. 弄短,變短 弄短,缩短 ˈshortening noun (especially American) the fat used for making pastry. (尤在美國)製作糕點時所使用的油脂 食用油脂(酥油/雪白奶油) ˈshortly adverb soon. He will be here shortly; Shortly after that, the police arrived. 不久 不久,即刻 shorts noun plural short trousers for men or women. 短褲 短裤ˈshortbread noun a kind of crisp, crumbling biscuit. 奶油酥餅 奶油脆饼ˌshort-ˈchange verb to cheat (a buyer) by giving him too little change. 少找零錢欺騙客人 故意少找给顾客零头short circuit the missing out by an electric current of a part of an electrical circuit (verb ˌshort-ˈcircuit) 短路 短路ˈshortcoming noun a fault. 缺點 缺点ˈshortcut noun a quicker way between two places. I'm in a hurry – I'll take a shortcut across the field. 捷徑 近路,捷径 ˈshorthand noun a method of writing rapidly, using strokes, dots etc to represent sounds. 速記 速记ˌshort-ˈhanded adjective having fewer workers than are necessary or usual. 缺乏人手的 缺乏人��的 ˈshort-list noun a list of candidates selected from the total number of applicants for a job etc. 決選名單 决选名单 verb to put on a short-list. We've short-listed three of the twenty applicants. 列入決選名單 列入决选名单ˌshort-ˈlived (-ˈlivd) , ((American) -ˈlaivd) adjective living or lasting only for a short time. short-lived insects; short-lived enthusiasm. 短命的 短命的ˌshort-ˈrange adjective1. not reaching a long distance. short-range missiles. 短程的 短程的2. not covering a long time. a short-range weather forecast. 近期的 近期的ˌshort-ˈsighted adjective seeing clearly only things that are near. I don't recognize people at a distance because I'm short-sighted. 近視的,短視的 近视的,目光短浅的 ˌshort-ˈsightedly adverb 近視地,短視地 近视地,目光短浅地 ˌshort-ˈsightedness noun 近視,短視 近视,目光短浅 ˌshort-ˈtempered adjective easily made angry. My husband is very short-tempered in the mornings. 易怒的 脾气坏的,易怒的 ˌshort-ˈterm adjective1. concerned only with the near future. short-term plans. 短暫的 短期的2. lasting only a short time. a short-term loan. 短期的 短期延续的by a short head by a very small amount. to win by a short head. 少量的,小幅度的 小胜for short as an abbreviation. His name is Victor, but we call him Vic for short. 簡稱(或簡寫)為... 简称(或简写)为... go short to cause oneself not to have enough of something. Save this carton for tomorrow, or else we'll go short (of milk). 使...缺少 缺少in short in a few words. 總之 简而言之,总之 in short supply not available in sufficient quantity. Fresh vegetables are in short supply. 供應不足,缺乏的 供应不足make short work of to dispose of very quickly. The children made short work of the ice-cream. 迅速解決 迅速处置某事run short1. (of a supply) to become insufficient. Our money is running short. 變缺(少的) 快用完了,不够 2. (with of) not to have enough. We're running short of money. 缺少 缺少short and sweetHis reply was short and sweet: `Get out!' he shouted. 簡短扼要 简短扼要short for an abbreviation of. `Phone' is short for `telephone'; What is `Ltd.' short for? 是...的略語,簡稱 是…的缩写,简写 short of not as far as or as much as. Our total came to just short of $1,000; We stopped five miles short of London. 缺乏,不足 缺少,差一点





1. n. a small drink of hard liquor or of beer. I’ll have a short and a pack of cigarettes. 2. mod. having to do with a single drink of undiluted liquor. I’ll take mine short, innkeeper. 3. n. a purchase of drugs that counts or weighs out less than the amount agreed upon. You gave me a short. Fix it now, or this thing goes off accidentally in your ear. 4. tv. to give someone less of something than was agreed upon. They shorted us on the last order, so we switched suppliers. 5. n. a car. (Streets.) Man, that’s some short you got! 6. n. the sale of borrowed shares of stock; a short sale. (Securities markets.) There is a lot of covering of shorts this week. After that the market is in for a steady decline. 7. tv. to sell borrowed stock. (Securities markets.) The way the deficit is running, I’d short the whole market.
  • (as) thick as a short plank
  • (as) thick as two short planks
  • a brick short of a load
  • a day late and a dollar short
  • a few bricks short of a (full) load
  • a few bricks shy/short of a load
  • a few cards short of a (full) deck
  • a few fries short of a Happy Meal
  • a few sandwiches short of a picnic
  • a few, two, etc. bricks short of a load
  • a sandwich short of a picnic
  • a short back and sides
  • a short cut
  • a short fuse
  • a short, sharp shock
  • Art is long and life is short
  • at short notice
  • be (as) thick as a short plank
  • be (as) thick as two short planks
  • be caught short
  • be caught/taken short
  • be in short supply
  • be in the short strokes
  • be kept on a short leash
  • be not short of a bob or two
  • be not short of a penny (or two)
  • be nothing short of (something)
  • be on a short fuse
  • be on a short leash
  • be on/have a short fuse
  • be one brick short of a (full) load
  • be one card short of a full deck
  • be one sandwich short of a picnic
  • be several bricks short of a (full) load
  • be several cards short of a (full) deck
  • be several cards short of a full deck
  • be short and sweet
  • be short of (something)
  • be short with (one)
  • be/run short of something
  • bring (one) up short
  • bring someone up short
  • bring up sharply
  • bring/pull somebody up short
  • by a short head
  • by the short hairs
  • case of the shorts
  • catch napping
  • caught short
  • come short
  • come short of
  • come short of (something)
  • cut (someone or something) short
  • cut short
  • cut somebody short
  • cut something short
  • day late and a dollar short
  • down to the short strokes
  • draw straws
  • draw the short straw
  • eat my shorts
  • Eat my shorts!
  • fall short
  • fall short (of), to
  • fall short of
  • fall short of (one's) goal
  • fall short of (something)
  • fall short of goal
  • fall short of something
  • few bricks short of a load
  • for short
  • for the short/medium/long term
  • full measure
  • full/short measure
  • get (one) by the short and curlies
  • get (one) by the short hairs
  • get (one's) shorts in a knot
  • get short shrift
  • get short with (one)
  • get someone by the short and curlies
  • get the short end
  • get the short end of the stick
  • get/have somebody by the short hairs
  • give short shrift
  • give somebody/something short shrift
  • go short
  • go short (of something)
  • have (got) a short fuse
  • have (one) by the short and curlies
  • have (one) on a short leash
  • have (someone) by the short hairs
  • have (someone) on a tight leash
  • have a short fuse
  • have someone by the short and curlies
  • have someone by the short hairs
  • in brief
  • in short
  • in short order
  • in short pants
  • in short supply
  • in snatches
  • in the long run
  • in the long/medium/short term
  • in the short run
  • in the short/medium/long term
  • keep (someone) on a short leash
  • Life is short and time is swift
  • life is short(, and time is swift)
  • life is too short
  • life's too short
  • little/nothing short of sth
  • long and short of it, the
  • long and the short of it
  • long and the short of it/the matter, the
  • long haul
  • long on (something) and short on (something else)
  • long on one thing and short on another
  • long story short
  • longest way round is the shortest way home
  • make a long story short
  • make a long story short, to
  • make short work of
  • make short work of (someone or something)
  • make short work of something
  • make short work of something/somebody
  • make short work of, to
  • nothing short of
  • on a short lead
  • on a short leash
  • on short notice
  • one brick short of a (full) load
  • one sandwich short of a picnic
  • over the short haul
  • over the short term
  • pull (one) up short
  • pull up short
  • quick temper
  • run short
  • run short of (something)
  • sell (someone, something, or oneself) short
  • sell short
  • sell somebody short
  • sell someone or something short
  • sell someone short
  • sell yourself short
  • sell yourself/somebody/something short
  • several bricks short of a (full) load
  • several cards short of a (full) deck
  • short
  • short and sweet
  • short arms inspection
  • short back and sides
  • short but sweet
  • short end of the stick
  • short end of the stick, the
  • short end of the stick, to get/have the
  • short for
  • short for (something)
  • short fuse
  • short hairs
  • short haul
  • short leash
  • short measure
  • short notice, on
  • short of
  • short of (something)
  • short of a length
  • short of something/of doing something
  • short on (something) (and long on something else)
  • short on looks
  • short on one end
  • short one
  • short order
  • Short reckonings make long friends
  • short run
  • short sharp shock
  • short shrift
  • short shrift, give
  • short shrift, to get/give
  • short snort
  • short strokes
  • short temper
  • short with
  • short with (one)
  • short, sharp shock
  • short-change (one)
  • shortcut
  • short-sheet
  • short-snort
  • stop short
  • stop short of (something)
  • stop short of a place
  • stop short of doing
  • Take a long walk off a short pier
  • take a long walk on a short pier
  • the long and (the) short of it
  • the long and short of it
  • the long and the short of it
  • the longest way round is the shortest way home
  • the short and the long of it
  • the short end of the stick
  • the short straw
  • the shorts
  • thick as a short plank
  • thick as two planks
  • thick as two short planks
  • to cut a long story short
  • to make a long story short
  • wearing short pants
  • win, lose, etc. by a short head



1. Prosodya. denoting a vowel that is phonetically short or a syllable containing such a vowel. In classical verse short vowels are followed by one consonant only or sometimes one consonant plus a following l or r b. (of a vowel or syllable in verse that is not quantitative) not carrying emphasis or accent; unstressed 2. (of a drink of spirits) undiluted; neat 3. a drink of spirits as opposed to a long drink such as beer 4. Phonetics Prosody a short vowel or syllable 5. a short film, usually of a factual nature 6. See short circuit


[shȯrt] (electricity) short circuit (engineering) In plastics injection molding, the failure to fill the mold completely. Also known as short shot. (ordnance) A bomb or projectile hit short of the target.


1. Said of a piece of building material not up to specified length. 2. A short circuit.


In programming, an integer variable. In C, a short is two bytes and can be signed (-32K to +32K) or unsigned (64K). Contrast with long.



One who has sold a contract to establish a market position and who has not yet closed out this position through an offsetting purchase; the opposite of a long position. Related: Long.

Short Position

The sale of a security or derivative, or the state of having sold one or the other. It is important to note that a short position is not closed, and is applied only to sales where further action may be required. For example, one who has borrowed securities and has then sold them is said to be have a short position with respect to that security, because he/she must eventually return an equivalent amount of the borrowed securities. Likewise, one who has sold (or written) an option is in a short position, because the option may be exercised at a later date. See also: Long position, Close a position.


See short position, PROBLEM">[removed].
See SH


SHORTSelf-Healing and Optimizing Routing Technique


Related to short: short story, Short fiction
  • all
  • adj
  • adv
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for short

adj brief


  • brief
  • quick
  • fleeting
  • short-term
  • lightning
  • short-lived
  • momentary
  • cursory


  • long
  • extended
  • long-term

adj concise


  • concise
  • brief
  • succinct
  • contracted
  • clipped
  • compact
  • summary
  • compressed
  • curtailed
  • terse
  • laconic
  • pithy
  • abridged
  • compendious
  • sententious


  • long
  • prolonged
  • lengthy
  • rambling
  • diffuse
  • long-winded
  • wordy
  • long-drawn-out
  • verbose
  • unabridged

adj small


  • small
  • little
  • wee
  • tiny
  • squat
  • diminutive
  • petite
  • pint-sized
  • dumpy
  • dwarfish
  • knee high to a grasshopper
  • fubsy
  • knee high to a gnat


  • big
  • tall
  • lofty
  • lanky

adj abrupt


  • abrupt
  • sharp
  • terse
  • curt
  • blunt
  • crusty
  • gruff
  • brusque
  • offhand
  • testy
  • impolite
  • discourteous
  • uncivil


  • civil
  • polite
  • courteous

adj crumbly


  • crumbly
  • crisp
  • brittle
  • friable

adj direct


  • direct
  • straight
  • undeviating
  • through

adj scarce


  • scarce
  • wanting
  • low
  • missing
  • limited
  • lacking
  • tight
  • slim
  • inadequate
  • insufficient
  • slender
  • scant
  • meagre
  • sparse
  • deficient
  • scanty


  • sufficient
  • adequate
  • ample
  • abundant
  • plentiful
  • copious
  • inexhaustible
  • bountiful

adv abruptly


  • abruptly
  • suddenly
  • unaware
  • by surprise
  • without warning


  • slowly
  • gradually
  • gently
  • bit by bit
  • little by little

phrase cut someone short


  • stop
  • interrupt
  • cut in on
  • butt in on

phrase cut something short


  • curtail
  • stop
  • reduce
  • halt
  • dock
  • terminate
  • abbreviate

phrase in short


  • briefly
  • in essence
  • in a word
  • in a nutshell
  • to cut a long story short
  • to come to the point
  • to put it briefly

Synonyms for short

adj not long in time or duration


  • brief

adj accomplished in very little time


  • brief
  • expeditious
  • fast
  • flying
  • hasty
  • hurried
  • quick
  • rapid
  • speedy
  • swift

adj marked by or consisting of few words that are carefully chosen


  • brief
  • compendious
  • concise
  • laconic
  • lean
  • succinct
  • summary
  • terse

adj rudely unceremonious


  • abrupt
  • blunt
  • brief
  • brusque
  • crusty
  • curt
  • gruff
  • short-spoken

adj not enough to meet a demand or requirement


  • deficient
  • inadequate
  • insufficient
  • scarce
  • shy
  • under
  • wanting

adv without any warning


  • abruptly
  • suddenly

adv without adequate preparation


  • aback
  • unawarely
  • unawares

Synonyms for short

noun the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed

Related Words

  • baseball diamond
  • infield
  • diamond
  • parcel of land
  • piece of ground
  • piece of land
  • tract
  • parcel

noun accidental contact between two points in an electric circuit that have a potential difference


  • short circuit

Related Words

  • circuit
  • electric circuit
  • electrical circuit
  • tangency
  • contact

noun the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between second and third base


  • shortstop

Related Words

  • position
  • baseball team

verb cheat someone by not returning him enough money


  • short-change

Related Words

  • bunco
  • con
  • defraud
  • diddle
  • gip
  • goldbrick
  • gyp
  • hornswoggle
  • mulct
  • nobble
  • rook
  • scam
  • swindle
  • short-change
  • victimize

verb create a short circuit in


  • short-circuit

Related Words

  • create
  • make

adj primarily temporal sense


  • long

adj (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length


  • long

adj low in stature


  • little

Related Words

  • low


  • tall

adj not sufficient to meet a need


  • inadequate
  • poor

Related Words

  • insufficient
  • deficient

adj (of memory) deficient in retentiveness or range


  • forgetful
  • unretentive

Related Words

  • unmindful
  • forgetful
  • mindless

adj not holding securities or commodities that one sells in expectation of a fall in prices

Related Words

  • finance


  • long

adj of speech sounds or syllables of relatively short duration

Related Words

  • phonetics


  • long

adj less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so


  • scant
  • light

Related Words

  • insufficient
  • deficient

adj lacking foresight or scope


  • shortsighted
  • unforesightful
  • myopic

Related Words

  • improvident

adj tending to crumble or break into flakes due to a large amount of shortening

Related Words

  • breakable

adj marked by rude or peremptory shortness


  • brusk
  • brusque
  • curt

Related Words

  • discourteous

adv quickly and without warning


  • abruptly
  • dead
  • suddenly

adv without possessing something at the time it is contractually sold

Related Words

  • finance

adv at a disadvantage


  • unawares

adv in a curt, abrupt and discourteous manner


  • curtly
  • shortly




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