Theodoric I

Theodoric I

(thēŏd`ərĭk) or

Thierry I

(tērē`, tēĕr`ē), d. 534, Frankish ruler, son of Clovis IClovis I
, c.466–511, Frankish king (481–511), son of Childeric I and founder of the Merovingian monarchy. Originally little more than a tribal chieftain, he became sole leader of the Salian Franks by force of perseverance and by murdering a number of relatives.
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. On his father's death (511) he shared equally with his brothers, Clodomer, Childebert IChildebert I
, d. 558, Frankish king, son of Clovis I. On his father's death (511) he and his three brothers shared equally in the Frankish kingdom. His capital was at Paris.
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, and Clotaire IClotaire I
, d. 561, Frankish king, son of Clovis I. On his father's death (511) he and his brothers received equal shares of the Frankish kingdom. His capital was at Soissons.
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, in the division of the Frankish kingdom. His capital was at Reims. With Clotaire he subjugated the Thuringians. He was succeeded by his son Theodebert I, who was king (534–48) of the West Frankish kingdom of Austrasia, and by his grandson, the last member of Theodoric's line, Theodebald (reigned 548–55).