Theodorus Prodromus
Prodromus, Theodorus
Born circa 1100; died circa 1170 (according to some sources, circa 1158). Byzantine court poet and prose writer.
In addition to the verse romance Rhodanthe and Dosicles and the parody The Battle of the Cat and the Mice, Prodromus also wrote epigrams, letters, and philosophical and theological works. Although Prodromus was a panegyrist of the aristocracy, he portrayed with sympathy the sufferings of ordinary people amid the disorder of the world. He introduced vernacular Greek into Byzantine literature. His works are characterized by lyricism and humor. The authenticity of many writings attributed to Prodromus has been called into question.
Hörandner, W. Theodoros Prodromos: Historische Gedichte. Vienna, 1974.Kazhdan, A. P. “Dva novykh vizantiiskikh pamiatnika XII stoletiia.” In the collection Vizantiiskii vremennik, vol. 24. Moscow, 1964.