Acronym | Definition |
PIC➣Picture |
PIC➣Graph (File Name Extension) |
PIC➣Primary Interexchange Carrier (telephone long distance carrier) |
PIC➣Predesignated Interexchange Carrier (telephony) |
PIC➣People in Charge |
PIC➣Point(s) in Calls |
PIC➣Partners in Crime |
PIC➣Pilot In Command (aviation) |
PIC➣Pride in the City (various locations) |
PIC➣Private Industry Council |
PIC➣Piccolo |
PIC➣Picayune (Amtrak station code; Picayune, MS) |
PIC➣Power in Control (Naperville, IL) |
PIC➣Person In Charge |
PIC➣Particle-In-Cell (micropulsion systems on-a-chip) |
PIC➣Prior Informed Consent (Rotterdam Convention on Trade in Hazardous Chemicals) |
PIC➣Physics in Collision (symposium) |
PIC➣paid-in capital (finance) |
PIC➣Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research |
PIC➣Partners in Compliance (trade; Canada Border Services Agency) |
PIC➣Parent in Charge |
PIC➣Polyisocyanurate (rigid foam contruction material) |
PIC➣Pacific Islands Club |
PIC➣Presidential Inaugural Committee |
PIC➣Partners in Caring (various organizations) |
PIC➣Programmable Interrupt Controller |
PIC➣Philips Innovation Campus (Philipes Electronics; India) |
PIC➣Private Investment Counsel |
PIC➣Philippine Independent Church (Christianity) |
PIC➣Peripheral Intravenous Catheter (medical) |
PIC➣Position Independent Code |
PIC➣Pharmacist in Charge |
PIC➣Pension Insurance Company |
PIC➣Palminfocenter (website) |
PIC➣Peace Implementation Council (NATO) |
PIC➣Protease Inhibitor Cocktail |
PIC➣Pegasus Imaging Corporation (various locations) |
PIC➣Personal Identity Card (various locations) |
PIC➣Parallel Interference Cancellation |
PIC➣Pacific Island Country |
PIC➣Pre-Integration Complex (diseases) |
PIC➣Paulson Investment Company (Portland, OR) |
PIC➣Photonic Integrated Circuit |
PIC➣Port Interface Card |
PIC➣Plan Implementation Committee (various organizations) |
PIC➣Public Information Campaign (various organizations) |
PIC➣Perfectly Inelastic Collision (physics) |
PIC➣Prison Industrial Complex |
PIC➣Parallel Instruction Computing |
PIC➣Picture File |
PIC➣Personal Intelligent Communicator |
PIC➣Point in Control |
PIC➣Programmed Image Control |
PIC➣Peripheral Interrupt Controller |
PIC➣Publisher Identity Certificate |
PIC➣Pegasus Imaging Corporation |
PIC➣Project Information Center |
PIC➣Politically Incorrect |
PIC➣Programmable Input Controller |
PIC➣Primary Independent Carrier |
PIC➣Primary Interexchange Carrier |
PIC➣Point in Call |
PIC➣Powdered Iron Core (inductor; electronics) |
PIC➣Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier |
PIC➣Public Information Center |
PIC➣Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention |
PIC➣Patient Informed Consent |
PIC➣Police Integrity Commission (New South Wales, Australia) |
PIC➣Press Information Center (NATO) |
PIC➣Peripheral Interface Controller |
PIC➣Personal Internet Communicator |
PIC➣Pacific Indemnity Co. |
PIC➣Panasonic Industrial Company (Matsushita Electric Corporation of America) |
PIC➣Pig Improvement Company |
PIC➣Progressive Insurance Company |
PIC➣Prevention Information Center (Colorado) |
PIC➣Physical Interface Card (Juniper Networks, Inc.) |
PIC➣Projecte Internet Catalunya (Catalan: Catalonia Internet Project) |
PIC➣Petrochemical Industries Co. |
PIC➣Products of Incomplete Combustion |
PIC➣Polymorphic Inline Cache (computing) |
PIC➣Personal Identification Code |
PIC➣Performance Improvement Consultant |
PIC➣Priority Interrupt Controller |
PIC➣Payload Inegration Center (US NASA) |
PIC➣Pilot in Charge |
PIC➣Periodontics Information Center (dentistry; University of California, Los Angeles) |
PIC➣Programmable Interface Controller |
PIC➣Programmable Integrated Circuit |
PIC➣Provincial Iraqi Control |
PIC➣Portfolio Investment Companies |
PIC➣Public Issues Committee |
PIC➣Product Identification Code |
PIC➣Public IM Connectivity (Microsoft) |
PIC➣Pacific Islanders in Communications |
PIC➣Personality Inventory for Children |
PIC➣Patient Identification Code |
PIC➣Physical Interfaces and Carriers |
PIC➣Preventive Intervention Center (Iowa) |
PIC➣Portable Intensive Care (system; medical equipment) |
PIC➣Passenger Information Control (railways; Japan) |
PIC➣Personal Information Carrier |
PIC➣Public Interest Coalition (various organizations) |
PIC➣Photo Imaging Council (UK) |
PIC➣Prostitutie Informatie Centrum (Dutch: Prostitution Information Centre; Amsterdam, Netherlands) |
PIC➣Particulate Inorganic Carbon |
PIC➣Pakistan Insurance Corporation |
PIC➣Poison Information Center |
PIC➣Photographic Interpretation Center |
PIC➣Public Interest Center |
PIC➣Participant Identification Code |
PIC➣Personal Injury Collision (fire/rescue) |
PIC➣Punctate Inner Choroidopathy (ophthalmology) |
PIC➣Poison Information Centre |
PIC➣Prime Integration Contractor (various organizations) |
PIC➣Production & Inventory Control |
PIC➣Programmable Intelligent Computer |
PIC➣Pyrotechnic Initiator Controller (US NASA) |
PIC➣Psychiatric Intensive Care |
PIC➣Personal Interactive Communicator (Motorola) |
PIC➣Plastic Insulated Cable |
PIC➣Pyro Initiator Controller (US NASA) |
PIC➣Polymer-Impregnated Concrete |
PIC➣Procurement Information Circular |
PIC➣Primary Interchange Carrier |
PIC➣Pitch-In Canada (anti-litter group) |
PIC➣Pressurized Ion Chamber |
PIC➣Professional Interest Committee |
PIC➣Personnel Investigations Center |
PIC➣Primary Interlata Carrier |
PIC➣Pazienti Impazienti Cannabis (Cannabis Impatients Patients, Italy) |
PIC➣Pyro Initiator Capacitor (US NASA) |
PIC➣Pre-Inquiry Change (UK) |
PIC➣Panel Interface Connector |
PIC➣Potential Impact Circle (natural gas pipeline) |
PIC➣Polyethylene Insulated Cable |
PIC➣Production Incentive Certificate |
PIC➣Programmers Investment Corporation |
PIC➣Pressure Indicator Controller |
PIC➣Polymerase Initiation Complex |
PIC➣Pocket Ionization Chamber |
PIC➣Pocket Ion Chamber (device that measures radiation dose accumulated at a nuclear power plant) |
PIC➣Parent Indicator Code |
PIC➣Programmable Interconnection |
PIC➣Patrol In Council (Scouts Canada) |
PIC➣Processor Interface Control |
PIC➣Plume Impingement Contamination |
PIC➣Personal Injury Coverage (insurance) |
PIC➣Program Information Center (Navy) |
PIC➣Product Introduction Center |
PIC➣Personal Information Communicator |
PIC➣Programmable Interconnect Component |
PIC➣Program Interrupt Control |
PIC➣Product Integrity Center (Cutler-Hammer, Inc.) |
PIC➣Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication (Project) |
PIC➣Pixel Ionization Chamber |
PIC➣Practice Improvement Cluster |
PIC➣Progressive Image Coding |
PIC➣Picatinny Innovation Center |
PIC➣Processor Input Channel |
PIC➣Purpose Identification Code |
PIC➣Payload Interface Controller |
PIC➣Pacific Islands Church (New Zealand) |
PIC➣Plastic Ignitor Cord |
PIC➣Permanent Information and Control (data management) |
PIC➣Partnership in Context |
PIC➣primary impact crater (aviation accidents) |
PIC➣Professional Insurance Center, Inc. (Tampa, FL) |
PIC➣Post-beamformer Interference Canceller |
PIC➣Polygonal Impact Crater |
PIC➣Pacific Intelligence Center |
PIC➣Post-Instructional Conference (US Army) |
PIC➣Product Identification Component |
PIC➣Prolonged Illness Condition (health care) |
PIC➣Pangarungan Islam College |
PIC➣Private in Charge |
PIC➣Preliminary Interface Certification |
PIC➣Piano Investimento Capitale (Italian: Program of Capital Investment) |
PIC➣Program Integration Challenge |
PIC➣Private Inspector - Commercial (wastewater management) |
PIC➣Princeton Intervention Center (Ohio) |
PIC➣Perinatal Intensive Centrum (Hungarian: Intensive Perinatal Center) |