Pick cell

Pick cell

(pik), a relatively large, rounded or polygonal, mononuclear cell, with indistinctly or palely staining, foamlike cytoplasm that contains numerous droplets of a phosphatide, sphingomyelin; such cells are widely distributed in the spleen and other tissues, especially those rich in reticuloendothelial components, in patients with Niemann-Pick disease. Synonym(s): Niemann-Pick cell

Pick cell

(pik sel) A relatively large mononuclear cell with foamlike cytoplasm that contains numerous droplets of sphingomyelin; such cells are widely distributed in the spleen and other tissues in patients with Niemann-Pick disease.
Synonym(s): Niemann-Pick cell.


Ludwig, German physician, 1868-1935. Niemann-Pick cell - Synonym(s): Pick cellNiemann-Pick disease - see under NiemannPick cell - a relatively large mononuclear cell widely distributed in the spleen and other tissues in Niemann-Pick disease. Synonym(s): Niemann-Pick cellPick tubular adenoma - a testicular tumor. Synonym(s): androblastoma