Theophylactus of Ochrida

Theophylactus of Ochrida


(also Theophylact of Ohrid). Born first half of the 11th century on the Greek island of Euboea; died after 1126. Byzantine theologian and writer.

In the 1070’s, Theophylactus was a teacher of rhetoric in Constantinople; later in the same decade he was chosen a deacon at Hagia Sophia and held the post of tutor to the heir to the throne, Constantine X Ducas. In circa 1089 he was appointed archbishop of the Bulgarian archdiocese, whose episcopal seat was Ochrida (now Ohrid, Yugoslavia); sources show that he still held this position as late as 1110. Theophylactus’ epistles are an important source for the socioeconomic and political history of Byzantium and Bulgaria at the turn of the 12th century. In addition to tracts expressing the aristocracy’s view of monarchical authority, he produced hagiographic writings and commentaries on the New Testament.


Maslev, St. “Za roliata i znachenieto na deinostta na Teofilakt Okhridski kato arkhiepiskop bulgarski.” Izvestiia na Instituta za istoriia, 1974, vol. 23.