anterior cranial fossa

an·te·ri·or cra·ni·al fos·sa

[TA] the portion of the internal base of the skull, anterior to the sphenoidal ridges and limbus, in which the frontal lobes of the brain rest. Synonym(s): fossa cranii anterior [TA], anterior cranial base

anterior cranial fossa

The anteriormost of the three divisions of the internal cranial base, which houses the inferior face of the frontal lobes of the brain. The floor of the fossa is covered by dura mater and is formed by contributions from the frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid bones. The anterior cranial fossa is limited anteriorly and laterally by the frontal bone.

anterior cranial fossa

The anterior one-third of the floor of the cranial cavity; the fossa is formed from the orbital part of the frontal bones, the cribriform plates of the ethmoid bone, and one third of the anterior sphenoid bones (the anterior body and lesser wings). The olfactory lobes and the inferior surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres lie in this fossa. See also: fossa

an·te·ri·or cra·ni·al fos·sa

(an-tērē-ŏr krānē-ăl fosă) [TA] Portion of internal base of skull, anterior to the sphenoidal ridges and limbus, in which cerebral frontal lobes rest.