(Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) An industry initiative for a universal business registry (catalog) of Web services turned over to the stewardship of OASIS in 2002 as the version 3 specification of UDDI was released. Originally developed by Ariba, IBM, Microsoft and others, UDDI is designed to enable software to automatically discover and integrate with services on the Web. Using a UDDI browser, humans can also review the information contained in the registry, which is a network of servers on the Internet similar to the Domain Name System (DNS).White, Yellow and Green Pages
UDDI white pages are addresses and contacts; yellow pages are industry classification. The green pages are descriptions of services that include the XML version, type of encryption and a Document Type Definition (DTD) of the standard. UDDI messages ride on top of the SOAP protocol, which invokes services on the Web. For more information, visit http://uddi.xml.org and www.oasis-open.org. See WSDL, Web services, SOAP, DTD and Disco.