Report Program Generator

report program generator

[ri′pȯrt ¦prō‚gram ‚jen·ə‚rād·ər] (computer science) A nonprocedural programming language that provides a convenient method of producing a wide variety of reports. Abbreviated RPG.

Report Program Generator

(tool)(RPG) An IBM programming language developed by Wilf Hey at IBM in 1965 for easy production of sophisticatedlarge system reports.

RPG is a 3GL similar to COBOL, but more concise andsupposedly easier for non-programmers to use. It processesits input one line at a time and does not treat tables asconceptual entities.

It was popular on System 34/36 minicomputers.

Versions: RPG II, RPG III, RPG/400 for IBM AS/400. MS-DOSversions by California Software and Lattice. Unixversion by Unibol. Cross-platform version by J & C Migrations runs on MS-DOS, Windows, AIX, HP-UX, andOS/390.

See also CL, OCL.