

 [trans″kor-tin] an α-globulin that binds and transports biologically active, unconjugated cortisol in plasma.


(tranz-kōr'tin), An α2-globulin in blood that binds cortisol and corticosterone; the principal corticosteroid-binding protein in the plasma. Synonym(s): corticosteroid-binding globulin, corticosteroid-binding protein


A gene on chromosome 14q32.1 that encodes an alpha-globulin with corticosteroid-binding properties, which is the major transport protein for glucocorticoids and progestins in most vertebrates. SERPINA6 localises to a chromosomal region containing several closely related serine protease inhibitors, and may have evolved by duplication events.


(trans-kōr'tin) An α2-globulin in blood that binds cortisol and corticosterone; the principal corticosteroid-binding protein in the plasma.
Synonym(s): corticosteroid-binding globulin.