anterior lingual gland

an·te·ri·or lin·gual gland

a small mixed gland deeply placed near the apex of the tongue on each side of the frenulum. Synonym(s): apical gland, Bauhin gland, Blandin gland, glandula lingualis anterior, Nuhn gland

an·te·ri·or lin·gual gland

(an-tēr'ē-ŏr ling'gwăl gland) One of the small mixed glands deeply placed near the apex of the tongue on each side of the frenulum.
Synonym(s): apical gland.


Philipe Frédéric, French anatomist and surgeon, 1798-1849. Blandin gland - one of the small mixed glands deeply placed near the apex of the tongue on each side of the frenulum. Synonym(s): anterior lingual gland


Gaspard, Swiss anatomist, 1560-1624. Bauhin gland - one of the small mixed glands deeply placed near the apex of the tongue on each side of the frenulum. Synonym(s): anterior lingual glandBauhin valve - Synonym(s): ileocecal valve


Anton, German anatomist, 1814-1889. Nuhn gland - one of the small mixed glands deeply placed near the apex of the tongue on each side of the frenulum. Synonym(s): anterior lingual gland

an·te·ri·or lin·gual gland

(an-tēr'ē-ŏrling'gwăl gland) Small mixed gland deeply placed near the apex of the tongue on each side of the frenulum.
Synonym(s): apical gland, Bauhin gland, Blandin gland.