visceral fascia

visceral fascia

[TA] a thin, fibrous membrane that envelops various organs and glands, binding structures together in some cases and forming partitions between them in other cases. Terminologia Anatomica [TA] has recommended that the terms "superficial fascia" and "deep fascia" not be used generically in an unqualified way because of variation in their meanings internationally. The recommended terms are "subcutaneous tissue [TA] (tela subcutanea)" for the former superficial fascia, and "muscular fascia" or "visceral fascia" (fascia musculorum or fascia viscera[is]) in place of deep fascia.

vis·cer·al fas·ci·a

(vis'ĕr-ăl fash'ē-ă) [TA] A thin, fibrous membrane that envelops various organs and glands, binding structures together in some cases and forming partitions between them in other cases. usage noteTerminologia Anatomica [TA] has recommended that the terms "superficial fascia" and "deep fascia" not be used generically in an unqualified way because of variation in their meanings internationally. The recommended terms are "subcutaneous tissue" (tela subcutanea [TA]) for the former superficial fascia and "muscular fascia" or "visceral fascia" (fascia musculorum or fascia visceralis [TA]) in place of deep fascia.