Acronym | Definition |
TMPA➣Texas Municipal Police Association |
TMPA➣Texas Municipal Power Agency |
TMPA➣Treponemal Membrane Protein A |
TMPA➣Telecommunications Project Management Association |
TMPA➣Turkish Maritime Pilots' Association |
TMPA➣Terminal de Muy Pequeña Abertura |
TMPA➣Tamil Nadu Medical Practitioners' Association |
TMPA➣Toxic Mold Protection Act of 2001 |
TMPA➣Texas Medical Power of Attorney |
TMPA➣Temps Moyen Passé en Appel |
TMPA➣Transdermal Microprojection Array |
TMPA➣Traffic Management Program Alerts (US FAA) |
TMPA➣Total Mycophenolic Acid |
TMPA➣Tower-Mounted Pre-Amplifiers (mobile/cellular technology) |
TMPA➣Trimethyl-Phosphoric Acid |
TMPA➣Tri-Methylpropylammoinum |
TMPA➣Texture and Modeling, a Procedural Approach (book by D. S. Ebert) |