Acronym | Definition |
VBS➣Vacation Bible School |
VBS➣Visual Basic Script (Microsoft) |
VBS➣Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport (German) |
VBS➣Virtual Battle Space (simulation) |
VBS➣Van Buggenum Sports (Netherlands) |
VBS➣Eidgenössisches Departement für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz Und Sport (Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports) |
VBS➣Vienna Business School |
VBS➣Very Big Smile |
VBS➣Valley Beth Shalom |
VBS➣Video Bit Stream |
VBS➣Visual Basic Script |
VBS➣Variable Block Size |
VBS➣Voip Business Services |
VBS➣Vbv Buffer Size |
VBS➣Virtual Base Station |
VBS➣Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences |
VBS➣Bulk-Source Voltage |
VBS➣Visit, Board, Search (US DoD) |
VBS➣Virtual Blade Switch (computing) |
VBS➣Voice Broadcast Service |
VBS➣Video Broadcast Services (Virginia Tech) |
VBS➣Viacom Brand Solutions (UK) |
VBS➣Victory Baptist School (Millbrook, AL) |
VBS➣Visual Basic Software |
VBS➣Valence Bond Solid |
VBS➣Vlaamse Bijbelstichting (Dutch) |
VBS➣Verilog Behavioral Simulator |
VBS➣Verband Brandenburgischer Segler (German) |
VBS➣Vienna Backbone Service |
VBS➣Village Book Store (Littleton, NH) |
VBS➣Verband der Blinden- und Sehbehindertenpädagogen und -pädagoginnen eV (German) |
VBS➣Vanishing Bee Syndrome |
VBS➣Volume Boot Sector |
VBS➣Vermont Butterfly Survey (Vermont Institute of Natural Science) |
VBS➣Video Burst Sync (composite video signal) |
VBS➣Virginia Bonsai Society (Norfolk, VA) |
VBS➣Visual Basic Streets (website) |
VBS➣Variable-Length, Blocked, Spanned |
VBS➣Veterinary Biologic Section (Animal Health and Production Division, Canadian Food Inspection Agency) |
VBS➣Virginia Broadcast Solutions |
VBS➣Very Bodacious School (humor) |
VBS➣Vertical Bend Cycles (engineering) |
VBS➣Virginia Barbecue Society (University of Virginia) |
VBS➣Virginia Billing System |
VBS➣Vertical Break Switch |
VBS➣Vapor Balance System |
VBS➣Visual-Based Safety |