

单词 piece



part; section; fragment; portion: a piece of cake; a musical or literary composition
Not to be confused with:peace – quiet, calm, rapport, concord, truce; lack of hostility: a time of peace


P0130900 (pēs)n.1. A thing considered as a unit or an element of a larger thing, quantity, or class; a portion: a piece of string.2. A portion or part that has been separated from a whole: a piece of pie.3. An object that is one member of a group or class: a piece of furniture.4. An artistic, musical, or literary work or composition: "They are lively and well-plotted pieces, both in prose" (Tucker Brooke).5. An instance; a specimen: a piece of sheer folly.6. What one has to say about something; an opinion: speak one's piece.7. A coin: a ten-cent piece.8. Games a. One of the counters or figures used in playing various board games.b. Any one of the chess figures other than a pawn.9. Slang A firearm, especially a rifle.10. Informal A given distance: "There was farm country down the road on the right a piece" (James Agee).tr.v. pieced, piec·ing, piec·es 1. To mend by adding pieces or a piece to: piece a dress.2. To join or unite the pieces of: He pieced together the vase. She pieced together an account of what had gone on during the stormy meeting.Idioms: a piece of (one's) mind Frank and severe criticism; censure. of a piece Belonging to the same class or kind. piece by piece In stages: took the clock apart piece by piece. piece of ass Vulgar Slang A person, especially a woman, considered sexually attractive. piece of cake Informal Something very easy to do. piece of the action Slang A share of an activity or of profits: "a piece of the action in a Florida land deal" (Shana Alexander). piece of work A remarkable person, achievement, or product: "He's a very tough piece of work" (Ted Koppel).
[Middle English pece, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *pettia, probably of Celtic origin.]


(piːs) n1. an amount or portion forming a separate mass or structure; bit: a piece of wood. 2. a small part, item, or amount forming part of a whole, esp when broken off or separated: a piece of bread. 3. (Commerce) a length by which a commodity is sold, esp cloth, wallpaper, etc4. an instance or occurrence: a piece of luck. 5. slang a girl or woman regarded as an object of sexual attraction: a nice piece. 6. an example or specimen of a style or type, such as an article of furniture: a beautiful piece of Dresden china. 7. informal an opinion or point of view: to state one's piece. 8. (Art Terms) a literary, musical, or artistic composition9. (Currencies) a coin having a value as specified: fifty-pence piece. 10. (Games, other than specified) a small object, often individually shaped and designed, used in playing certain games, esp board games: chess pieces. 11. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) a. a firearm or cannonb. (in combination): fowling-piece. 12. (Chess & Draughts) any chessman other than a pawn13. US and Canadian a short time or distance: down the road a piece. 14. (Cookery) dialect a. a slice of bread or a sandwichb. a packed lunch taken to work, school, etc15. (Textiles) (usually plural) Austral and NZ fragments of fleece wool. See also oddment216. give someone a piece of one's mind informal to criticize or censure someone frankly or vehemently17. go to pieces a. (of a person) to lose control of oneself; have a breakdownb. (of a building, organization, etc) to disintegrate18. nasty piece of work informal Brit a cruel or mean person19. of a piece of the same kind; alike20. piece of cake informal something easily obtained or achievedvb (tr) 21. (often foll by together) to fit or assemble piece by piece22. (Knitting & Sewing) (often foll by up) to patch or make up (a garment) by adding pieces23. (Textiles) textiles to join (broken threads) during spinning[C13 pece, from Old French, of Gaulish origin; compare Breton pez piece, Welsh peth portion]



n., v. pieced, piec•ing. n. 1. a limited portion or quantity of something: a piece of land. 2. a quantity of some substance or material forming a single mass or body: a piece of lumber. 3. a portion or quantity of a whole: a piece of pie. 4. a particular length, as of certain goods prepared for the market: cloth sold by the piece. 5. an amount of work forming a single job: to be paid by the piece. 6. an example of artistic creativity or workmanship, as a painting or a musical or literary composition. 7. a. one of the figures, disks, or the like, used in playing a board game. b. (in chess) a superior man, as distinguished from a pawn. 8. an individual thing of a particular class or set: a piece of furniture. 9. an example, specimen, or instance of something: a fine piece of work. 10. a part, fragment, or shred: to tear a letter into pieces. 11. one's opinion or thoughts on a subject. 12. a. a soldier's rifle, pistol, etc. b. a cannon or other unit of ordnance: field piece. 13. a coin: a five-cent piece. 14. Midland and Southern U.S. a distance: down the road a piece. 15. Also called piece′ of ass′. Vulgar Slang. a. coitus. b. Usually Offensive. a person considered as a partner in coitus. v.t. 16. to mend by adding a piece or pieces; patch. 17. to complete or extend by an added piece or something additional (often fol. by out): to piece out a library with new books. 18. to make by or as if by joining pieces (often fol. by together): to piece together a musical program. 19. to join together, as pieces or parts. 20. to join as a piece or addition to something: to piece new wire into the cable. 21. to assemble into a meaningful whole by combining available facts, information, etc. Idioms: 1. go to pieces, a. to break into fragments. b. to lose control of oneself; become emotionally or physically upset. 2. of a piece, of the same kind; harmonious; consistent. Also, of one piece. 3. piece of cake, Informal. something easily done. 4. piece of one's mind, a sharp rebuke or scolding. 5. piece of the action, Informal. a share of the profits. [1175–1225; Middle English pece < Old French < Gaulish *pettia; akin to Breton pez piece, Welsh, Cornish peth thing] piec′er, n. usage: Definitions 21a and 21b are vulgar slang. Definition 21b is usually perceived as insulting.


 a portion or quantity; a length.Examples: piece of calico (ten yards); of muslin (twelve yards).


Past participle: pieced
Gerund: piecing
I piece
you piece
he/she/it pieces
we piece
you piece
they piece
I pieced
you pieced
he/she/it pieced
we pieced
you pieced
they pieced
Present Continuous
I am piecing
you are piecing
he/she/it is piecing
we are piecing
you are piecing
they are piecing
Present Perfect
I have pieced
you have pieced
he/she/it has pieced
we have pieced
you have pieced
they have pieced
Past Continuous
I was piecing
you were piecing
he/she/it was piecing
we were piecing
you were piecing
they were piecing
Past Perfect
I had pieced
you had pieced
he/she/it had pieced
we had pieced
you had pieced
they had pieced
I will piece
you will piece
he/she/it will piece
we will piece
you will piece
they will piece
Future Perfect
I will have pieced
you will have pieced
he/she/it will have pieced
we will have pieced
you will have pieced
they will have pieced
Future Continuous
I will be piecing
you will be piecing
he/she/it will be piecing
we will be piecing
you will be piecing
they will be piecing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been piecing
you have been piecing
he/she/it has been piecing
we have been piecing
you have been piecing
they have been piecing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been piecing
you will have been piecing
he/she/it will have been piecing
we will have been piecing
you will have been piecing
they will have been piecing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been piecing
you had been piecing
he/she/it had been piecing
we had been piecing
you had been piecing
they had been piecing
I would piece
you would piece
he/she/it would piece
we would piece
you would piece
they would piece
Past Conditional
I would have pieced
you would have pieced
he/she/it would have pieced
we would have pieced
you would have pieced
they would have pieced
Noun1.piece - a separate part of a wholepiece - a separate part of a whole; "an important piece of the evidence"beam - long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in constructionpart, portion - something less than the whole of a human artifact; "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together"piece of cloth, piece of material - a separate part consisting of fabricpiece of leather - a separate part consisting of leatherscrap - a small piece of something that is left over after the rest has been used; "she jotted it on a scrap of paper"; "there was not a scrap left"shard, sherd, fragment - a broken piece of a brittle artifactsnip, snippet, snipping - a small piece of anything (especially a piece that has been snipped off)spindle - a piece of wood that has been turned on a lathe; used as a baluster, chair leg, etc.
2.piece - an item that is an instance of some type; "he designed a new piece of equipment"; "she bought a lovely piece of china";item - a whole individual unit; especially when included in a list or collection; "they reduced the price on many items"
3.piece - a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite"partthing - a separate and self-contained entitybody part - any part of an organism such as an organ or extremitycorpus - the main part of an organ or other bodily structureacicula - a needlelike part or structure of a plant or animal or crystal; as a spine or bristle or crystalbase - the bottom or lowest part; "the base of the mountain"corner - a projecting part where two sides or edges meet; "he knocked off the corners"craton - the part of a continent that is stable and forms the central mass of the continent; typically Precambriancutting - a piece cut off from the main part of somethingfragment - a piece broken off or cut off of something else; "a fragment of rock"hunk, lump - a large piece of something without definite shape; "a hunk of bread"; "a lump of coal"nub, stub - a small piece; "a nub of coal"; "a stub of a pencil"segment - one of the parts into which something naturally divides; "a segment of an orange"slice - a thin flat piece cut off of some objectstrip - a relatively long narrow piece of something; "he felt a flat strip of muscle"building block, unit - a single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else; "units of nucleic acids"world - a part of the earth that can be considered separately; "the outdoor world"; "the world of insects"
4.piece - a musical work that has been createdpiece - a musical work that has been created; "the composition is written in four movements"musical composition, opus, piece of music, compositionmorceau - a short literary or musical compositionsheet music - a musical composition in printed or written form; "she turned the pages of the music as he played"music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous mannermusical arrangement, arrangement - a piece of music that has been adapted for performance by a particular set of voices or instrumentsrealisation, realization - a musical composition that has been completed or enriched by someone other than the composercoda, finale - the closing section of a musical compositionintermezzo - a short piece of instrumental music composed for performance between acts of a drama or operaallegro - a musical composition or musical passage to be performed quickly in a brisk lively mannerallegretto - a musical composition or musical passage to be performed at a somewhat quicker tempo than andante but not as fast as allegroandante - a musical composition or musical passage to be performed moderately slowintroit - a composition of vocal music that is appropriate for opening church servicessolo - a musical composition for one voice or instrument (with or without accompaniment)duette, duo, duet - a musical composition for two performerstrio - a musical composition for three performersquartette, quartet - a musical composition for four performersquintet, quintette - a musical composition for five performerssextet, sextette, sestet - a musical composition written for six performersseptette, septet - a musical composition written for seven performersoctette, octet - a musical composition written for eight performersbagatelle - a light piece of music for pianodivertimento, serenade - a musical composition in several movements; has no fixed formcanon - a contrapuntal piece of music in which a melody in one part is imitated exactly in other partsetude - a short composition for a solo instrument; intended as an exercise or to demonstrate technical virtuosityidyl, pastoral, pastorale, idyll - a musical composition that evokes rural lifetoccata - a baroque musical composition (usually for a keyboard instrument) with full chords and rapid elaborate runs in a rhythmically free stylefantasia - a musical composition of a free form usually incorporating several familiar themesmusical passage, passage - a short section of a musical compositionmovement - a major self-contained part of a symphony or sonata; "the second movement is slow and melodic"largo - (music) a composition or passage that is to be performed in a slow and dignified mannerlarghetto - (music) a composition or passage played in a slow tempo slightly faster than largo but slower than adagiosuite - a musical composition of several movements only loosely connectedsymphonic poem, tone poem - an orchestral composition based on literature or folk talesmedley, pastiche, potpourri - a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sourcesnocturne, notturno - a pensive lyrical piece of music (especially for the piano)adagio - (music) a composition played in adagio tempo (slowly and gracefully); "they played the adagio too quickly"song, vocal - a short musical composition with words; "a successful musical must have at least three good songs"study - a composition intended to develop one aspect of the performer's technique; "a study in spiccato bowing"capriccio - an instrumental composition that doesn't adhere to rules for any specific musical form and is played with improvisationmotet - an unaccompanied choral composition with sacred lyrics; intended to be sung as part of a church service; originated in the 13th centuryprogram music, programme music - musical compositions intended to evoke images or remind the listener of eventsincidental music - music composed to accompany the action of a drama or to fill intervals between scenes
5.piece - an instance of some kind; "it was a nice piece of work"; "he had a bit of good luck"bitcase, instance, example - an occurrence of something; "it was a case of bad judgment"; "another instance occurred yesterday"; "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths"
6.piece - an artistic or literary composition; "he wrote an interesting piece on Iran"; "the children acted out a comic piece to amuse the guests"creation - an artifact that has been brought into existence by someonearticle - nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publicationmorceau - a short literary or musical compositionafterpiece - a brief dramatic piece (usually comic) presented after a playfragment - an incomplete piece; "fragments of a play"hiatus - a missing piece (as a gap in a manuscript)
7.piece - a portable gunpiece - a portable gun; "he wore his firearm in a shoulder holster"firearm, small-armautoloader, self-loader - a firearm that reloads itselffiring pin - striker that ignites the charge by striking the primergun - a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel)lock - a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gunmuzzle loader - an obsolete firearm that was loaded through the muzzlehandgun, pistol, shooting iron, side arm - a firearm that is held and fired with one handrepeating firearm, repeater - a firearm that can fire several rounds without reloadingrifle - a shoulder firearm with a long barrel and a rifled bore; "he lifted the rifle to his shoulder and fired"riot gun - a firearm designed to disperse rioters rather than to inflict serious injury or deathscattergun, shotgun - firearm that is a double-barreled smoothbore shoulder weapon for firing shot at short rangessights - an optical instrument for aiding the eye in aiming, as on a firearm or surveying instrumentsmoothbore - a firearm that has no rifling.22, twenty-two - a .22 caliber firearm (pistol or rifle)
8.piece - a serving that has been cut from a larger portion; "a piece of pie"; "a slice of bread"slicehelping, serving, portion - an individual quantity of food or drink taken as part of a meal; "the helpings were all small"; "his portion was larger than hers"; "there's enough for two servings each"cutlet, escallop, scollop, scallop - thin slice of meat (especially veal) usually fried or broiledfish filet, fish fillet, filet, fillet - a longitudinal slice or boned side of a fish
9.piece - a distance; "it is down the road a piece"distance - the property created by the space between two objects or points
10.piece - a work of art of some artistic valuepiece - a work of art of some artistic value; "this store sells only objets d'art"; "it is not known who created this piece"art object, objet d'artvirtu - objet d'art collectively (especially fine antiques)work of art - art that is a product of one of the fine arts (especially a painting or sculpture of artistic merit)
11.piece - a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition; "he was here for a little while"; "I need to rest for a piece"; "a spell of good weather"; "a patch of bad weather"while, spell, patchtime - an indefinite period (usually marked by specific attributes or activities); "he waited a long time"; "the time of year for planting"; "he was a great actor in his time"cold snap, cold spell - a spell of cold weatherhot spell - a spell of hot weathersnap - a spell of cold weather; "a cold snap in the middle of May"
12.piece - a share of somethingpiece - a share of something; "a slice of the company's revenue"sliceshare, percentage, portion, part - assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group; "he wanted his share in cash"
13.piece - game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board gamespiece - game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games; "he taught me to set up the men on the chess board"; "he sacrificed a piece to get a strategic advantage"manblack - (board games) the darker pieceschequer, checker - one of the flat round pieces used in playing the game of checkerschess piece, chessman - any of 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chessgame equipment - equipment or apparatus used in playing a gametile - game equipment consisting of a flat thin piece marked with characters and used in board games like Mah-Jong, Scrabble, etc.white - (board games) the lighter pieces
Verb1.piece - to join or unite the pieces of; "patch the skirt"patchconjoin, join - make contact or come together; "The two roads join here"vamp, vamp up - piece (something old) with a new part; "vamp up an old speech"
2.piece - create by putting components or members togetherpiece - create by putting components or members together; "She pieced a quilt"; "He tacked together some verses"; "They set up a committee"assemble, put together, tack together, set up, tackbring together, join - cause to become joined or linked; "join these two parts so that they fit together"create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"comfit, confection, confect - make into a confection; "This medicine is home-confected"mix up, jumble, confuse - assemble without order or sense; "She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence"reassemble - assemble once again, after taking something apartconfigure - set up for a particular purpose; "configure my new computer"; "configure a plane for a combat mission"compound - create by mixing or combiningrig up - erect or construct, especially as a temporary measure; "Can he rig up a P.A. system?"
3.piece - join during spinning; "piece the broken pieces of thread, slivers, and rovings"splice - join by interweaving strands; "Splice the wires"
4.piece - eat intermittently; take small bites of; "He pieced at the sandwich all morning"; "She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles"nibble, pickeat - take in solid food; "She was eating a banana"; "What did you eat for dinner last night?"
5.piece - repair by adding pieces; "She pieced the china cup"patchfix, furbish up, mend, repair, bushel, doctor, touch on, restore - restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken; "She repaired her TV set"; "Repair my shoes please"


noun1. bit, section, slice, part, share, division, block, length, quantity, scrap, segment, portion, fragment, fraction, chunk, wedge, shred, slab, mouthful, morsel, wodge (Brit. informal) Another piece of cake? a piece of wood2. component, part, section, bit, unit, segment, constituent, module The equipment was taken down the shaft in pieces.3. stretch, area, spread, tract, expanse People struggle to get the best piece of land4. instance, case, example, sample, specimen, occurrence a highly complex piece of legislation5. item, report, story, bit (informal), study, production, review, article There was a piece about him on television.6. composition, work, production, opus an orchestral piece7. work of art, work, creation The cabinets display a wide variety of porcelain pieces.8. share, cut (informal), slice, percentage, quantity, portion, quota, fraction, allotment, subdivision They got a small piece of the net profits.give someone a piece of your mind tell someone off, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, lecture, carpet (informal), censure, scold, berate, chide, tear into (informal), read the riot act to, reprove, upbraid, take someone to task, tick someone off (informal), bawl someone out (informal), chew someone out (U.S. & Canad. informal), tear someone off a strip (Brit. informal), give someone a piece of your mind, haul someone over the coals (informal), give someone a rocket (Brit. & N.Z. informal) I'd like to give that man a piece of my mind.go or fall to pieces break down, fall apart, disintegrate, lose control, crumple, crack up (informal), have a breakdown, lose your head She went to pieces when her husband died.in one piece1. alive, safe, unscathed, unhurt, uninjured, safe and sound We were lucky to get out of there in one piece.2. intact, whole, entire, untouched, unmarked, unbroken, unharmed, undamaged, unspoiled After the explosion, my house was still in one piece.in pieces smashed, broken, shattered, damaged, ruined, bust (informal), disintegrated, in bits, in smithereens The bowl was lying in pieces on the floor.of a piece (with) like, the same (as), similar (to), consistent (with), identical (to), analogous (to), of the same kind (as) These essays are of a piece with his earlier work. Thirties design and architecture was all of a piece.piece something together1. work out, understand, figure out, make out, see, suss out (slang), fathom out Frank was beginning to piece together what had happened.2. mend, unite, join, fix, restore, repair, patch (together), assemble, compose Doctors painstakingly pieced together the broken bones.take or tear or pull something or someone to pieces criticize, attack, pan (informal), condemn, slam (informal), flame (informal), rubbish (Brit. informal), savage, slate (Brit. informal), censure, maul, denigrate, pillory, slag off (Brit. informal), diss (slang, chiefly U.S.), find fault with, lambaste, give a bad press to Every one of his decisions was pulled to pieces.


noun1. One of the parts into which something is divided:division, member, part, portion, section, segment, subdivision.2. One's proper or expected function in a common effort:part, role, share.3. A part severed from a whole:cut, portion, section, segment, slice.4. A small portion of food:bit, crumb, morsel, mouthful.Informal: bite.5. Something that is the result of creative effort:composition, opus, production, work.6. A usually brief detail of news or information:bit, item, paragraph, squib, story.7. Informal. An extent, measured or unmeasured, of linear space:distance, length, space, stretch.Informal: way.


(piːs) noun1. a part of anything. a piece of cake; He examined it carefully piece by piece (= each piece separately). 部分,塊 部分,块 2. a single thing or example of something. a piece of paper; a piece of news. 個別事例 个别事例3. a composition in music, writing (an article, short story etc), drama, sculpture etc. He wrote a piece on social reform in the local newspaper.4. a coin of a particular value. a five-pence piece. 錢幣 钱币5. in chess, draughts and other games, a small shape made of wood, metal, plastic etc that is moved according to the rules of the game. 棋子 棋子ˌpieceˈmeal adverb a little bit at a time; not as a whole. He did the work piecemeal. 一件一件地 一件一件地 adjective done etc in this way. He has a rather piecemeal way of working. 零碎的 零碎的go (all) to pieces (of a person) to collapse physically or nervously. She went to pieces when her husband died. 身體(或精神上)垮下來,崩潰 身体(或精神上)垮下来,崩溃 in pieces1. with its various parts not joined together. The bed is delivered in pieces and the customer has to put it together himself. 散件 散件2. broken. The vase was lying in pieces on the floor. 碎片 碎片piece together to put (the pieces of something) together. They tried to piece together the fragments of the broken vase. 拼合 拼合to pieces into separate, usually small pieces, or into the various parts from which (something) is made. It was so old, it fell to pieces when I touched it. 成為碎片 成为碎片




piece (of the action)

 and bit of the action; slice of the actionSl. a share in the activity or the profits. (Especially of a business scheme or gambling activity.) If you get in on that real estate deal, I want a piece, too. Deal Tom in. He wants a piece of the action.


verbSee piece of the action


1. n. a sexually attractive (young) woman. (Crude.) Who’s that piece I saw you with last night? 2. n. a gun, especially a revolver. (Underworld.) Okay, this gun is aimed at your head. Drop your piece. 3. n. a tiny ponytail worn by males. Even the little boys—six and seven years old—want to wear a piece. Tony pointed out that lots of pirates wore pieces. 4. n. a piece of shit; POS; something worthless. This car is a piece. Couldn’t you gank something better?
  • (all) of a piece
  • (one's) party piece
  • a cold piece of work
  • a nasty piece of work
  • a piece of (one's) mind
  • a piece of cake
  • a piece of mind
  • a piece of old tackie
  • a piece of piss
  • a piece of the action
  • a piece of the pie
  • a piece of work
  • a piece/slice of the action
  • abbreviated piece of nothing
  • all in one piece
  • all of a piece
  • all of a piece with (something)
  • all of a piece with something
  • be (all) of a piece
  • be a nasty piece of work
  • be a piece of cake
  • be shot to pieces
  • be thrilled to pieces
  • beat (something) all to pieces
  • bits and pieces
  • blow to smithereens
  • break (something) to pieces
  • break to pieces
  • collector's item
  • collector's piece
  • conversation piece
  • cut (someone) to pieces
  • dash to pieces
  • fall to pieces
  • fur piece
  • give (someone) a piece of (one's) mind
  • give a piece of mind
  • give somebody a piece of your mind
  • give someone a piece of your mind
  • go to pieces
  • hack (something) to pieces
  • hold (one's) peace
  • How long is a piece of string?
  • in bits and pieces
  • in one piece
  • mouthpiece
  • museum piece
  • museum piece, a
  • of a piece
  • pick (someone or something) to pieces
  • pick (something) to bits
  • pick apart
  • pick holes in
  • pick someone or something to pieces
  • pick to pieces
  • pick up the pieces
  • pick, pull, etc. somebody/something to bits/pieces
  • piece
  • piece (something) together
  • piece by piece
  • pièce de résistance
  • piece of cake
  • piece of cake, it's a
  • piece of change
  • piece of crap
  • piece of garbage
  • piece of goods, a
  • piece of one's mind
  • piece of one's mind, (to give someone) a
  • piece of piss
  • piece of snatch
  • piece of tail
  • piece of the action
  • piece of the action, a
  • piece of the pie
  • piece of work
  • piece of work, a
  • piece out
  • piece together
  • puff piece
  • pull (something) to pieces
  • pull to pieces
  • rip (someone or something) to pieces
  • say (one's) piece
  • say piece
  • say your piece
  • shoot to pieces
  • shot full of holes
  • shot to pieces
  • sky-piece
  • speak (one's) piece
  • speak one's piece
  • take a piece out of (one)
  • take to pieces
  • tear (someone or something) to pieces
  • tear (someone or something) to shreds
  • tear somebody/something to pieces/shreds
  • tear through (something)
  • tear to pieces
  • that beats all to pieces
  • the pièce de résistance
  • the villain of the piece
  • think piece
  • think-piece
  • thirty pieces of silver
  • thrill (one) to pieces
  • thrill to pieces
  • thrilled to death
  • thrilled to pieces
  • to pieces
  • villain of the piece
  • villain of the piece, the
  • want a piece of me?
  • You want a piece of me?
  • your party piece
  • your/the pièce de résistance



1. a length by which a commodity is sold, esp cloth, wallpaper, etc. 2. a literary, musical, or artistic composition 3. a coin having a value as specified 4. a small object, often individually shaped and designed, used in playing certain games, esp board games 5. any chessman other than a pawn 6. Austral and NZ fragments of fleece wool


[pēs] (ordnance) An artillery weapon, a machine gun, a rifle, or any firearm.



 [pēs] a part or portion.end piece the terminal portion of the tail of the spermatozoon. See illustration at spermatozoon.middle piece an anterior portion of the tail of the spermatozoon, between the neck and the anulus. See illustration at spermatozoon.principal piece the main portion of the tail of a spermatozoon, beginning at the anulus and gradually tapering toward the piece" >end piece. See illustration at spermatozoon.


(pēs), A part or portion.



Apply mainly to convertible securities. Increment of bonds that trade in portions of $1000 minimum. Not all bonds can be traded in "pieces," and the increments can vary.


Part of a block or exceptionally large amount or value of securities. While there is no specific definition of how many shares constitute a block, most people using the term refer to holding or trading more than 10,000 shares and/or shares worth more than $200,000. A piece is any section of this bought or sold separately from the rest of the block.


A part of a large security offering.
See PC


PIECEPartnership for Internet Equity and Community Engagement (Stanford University; California)
PIECEProfessional in Early Childhood Education


Related to piece: Piece work
  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for piece

noun bit


  • bit
  • section
  • slice
  • part
  • share
  • division
  • block
  • length
  • quantity
  • scrap
  • segment
  • portion
  • fragment
  • fraction
  • chunk
  • wedge
  • shred
  • slab
  • mouthful
  • morsel
  • wodge

noun component


  • component
  • part
  • section
  • bit
  • unit
  • segment
  • constituent
  • module

noun stretch


  • stretch
  • area
  • spread
  • tract
  • expanse

noun instance


  • instance
  • case
  • example
  • sample
  • specimen
  • occurrence

noun item


  • item
  • report
  • story
  • bit
  • study
  • production
  • review
  • article

noun composition


  • composition
  • work
  • production
  • opus

noun work of art


  • work of art
  • work
  • creation

noun share


  • share
  • cut
  • slice
  • percentage
  • quantity
  • portion
  • quota
  • fraction
  • allotment
  • subdivision

phrase give someone a piece of your mind


  • tell someone off
  • rebuke
  • reprimand
  • reproach
  • lecture
  • carpet
  • censure
  • scold
  • berate
  • chide
  • tear into
  • read the riot act to
  • reprove
  • upbraid
  • take someone to task
  • tick someone off
  • bawl someone out
  • chew someone out
  • tear someone off a strip
  • give someone a piece of your mind
  • haul someone over the coals
  • give someone a rocket

phrase go or fall to pieces


  • break down
  • fall apart
  • disintegrate
  • lose control
  • crumple
  • crack up
  • have a breakdown
  • lose your head

phrase in one piece: alive


  • alive
  • safe
  • unscathed
  • unhurt
  • uninjured
  • safe and sound

phrase in one piece: intact


  • intact
  • whole
  • entire
  • untouched
  • unmarked
  • unbroken
  • unharmed
  • undamaged
  • unspoiled

phrase in pieces


  • smashed
  • broken
  • shattered
  • damaged
  • ruined
  • bust
  • disintegrated
  • in bits
  • in smithereens

phrase of a piece (with)


  • like
  • the same (as)
  • similar (to)
  • consistent (with)
  • identical (to)
  • analogous (to)
  • of the same kind (as)

phrase piece something together: work out


  • work out
  • understand
  • figure out
  • make out
  • see
  • suss out
  • fathom out

phrase piece something together: mend


  • mend
  • unite
  • join
  • fix
  • restore
  • repair
  • patch (together)
  • assemble
  • compose

phrase take or tear or pull something or someone to pieces


  • criticize
  • attack
  • pan
  • condemn
  • slam
  • flame
  • rubbish
  • savage
  • slate
  • censure
  • maul
  • denigrate
  • pillory
  • slag off
  • diss
  • find fault with
  • lambaste
  • give a bad press to

Synonyms for piece

noun one of the parts into which something is divided


  • division
  • member
  • part
  • portion
  • section
  • segment
  • subdivision

noun one's proper or expected function in a common effort


  • part
  • role
  • share

noun a part severed from a whole


  • cut
  • portion
  • section
  • segment
  • slice

noun a small portion of food


  • bit
  • crumb
  • morsel
  • mouthful
  • bite

noun something that is the result of creative effort


  • composition
  • opus
  • production
  • work

noun a usually brief detail of news or information


  • bit
  • item
  • paragraph
  • squib
  • story

noun an extent, measured or unmeasured, of linear space


  • distance
  • length
  • space
  • stretch
  • way

Synonyms for piece

noun a separate part of a whole

Related Words

  • beam
  • part
  • portion
  • piece of cloth
  • piece of material
  • piece of leather
  • scrap
  • shard
  • sherd
  • fragment
  • snip
  • snippet
  • snipping
  • spindle

noun an item that is an instance of some type

Related Words

  • item

noun a portion of a natural object


  • part

Related Words

  • thing
  • body part
  • corpus
  • acicula
  • base
  • corner
  • craton
  • cutting
  • fragment
  • hunk
  • lump
  • nub
  • stub
  • segment
  • slice
  • strip
  • building block
  • unit
  • world

noun a musical work that has been created


  • musical composition
  • opus
  • piece of music
  • composition

Related Words

  • morceau
  • sheet music
  • music
  • musical arrangement
  • arrangement
  • realisation
  • realization
  • coda
  • finale
  • intermezzo
  • allegro
  • allegretto
  • andante
  • introit
  • solo
  • duette
  • duo
  • duet
  • trio
  • quartette
  • quartet
  • quintet
  • quintette
  • sextet
  • sextette
  • sestet
  • septette
  • septet
  • octette
  • octet
  • bagatelle
  • divertimento
  • serenade
  • canon
  • etude
  • idyl
  • pastoral
  • pastorale
  • idyll
  • toccata
  • fantasia
  • musical passage
  • passage
  • movement
  • largo
  • larghetto
  • suite
  • symphonic poem
  • tone poem
  • medley
  • pastiche
  • potpourri
  • nocturne
  • notturno
  • adagio
  • song
  • vocal
  • study
  • capriccio
  • motet
  • program music
  • programme music
  • incidental music

noun an instance of some kind


  • bit

Related Words

  • case
  • instance
  • example

noun an artistic or literary composition

Related Words

  • creation
  • article
  • morceau
  • afterpiece
  • fragment
  • hiatus

noun a portable gun


  • firearm
  • small-arm

Related Words

  • autoloader
  • self-loader
  • firing pin
  • gun
  • lock
  • muzzle loader
  • handgun
  • pistol
  • shooting iron
  • side arm
  • repeating firearm
  • repeater
  • rifle
  • riot gun
  • scattergun
  • shotgun
  • sights
  • smoothbore
  • .22
  • twenty-two

noun a serving that has been cut from a larger portion


  • slice

Related Words

  • helping
  • serving
  • portion
  • cutlet
  • escallop
  • scollop
  • scallop
  • fish filet
  • fish fillet
  • filet
  • fillet

noun a distance

Related Words

  • distance

noun a work of art of some artistic value


  • art object
  • objet d'art

Related Words

  • virtu
  • work of art

noun a period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition


  • while
  • spell
  • patch

Related Words

  • time
  • cold snap
  • cold spell
  • hot spell
  • snap

noun a share of something


  • slice

Related Words

  • share
  • percentage
  • portion
  • part

noun game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games


  • man

Related Words

  • black
  • chequer
  • checker
  • chess piece
  • chessman
  • game equipment
  • tile
  • white

verb to join or unite the pieces of


  • patch

Related Words

  • conjoin
  • join
  • vamp
  • vamp up

verb create by putting components or members together


  • assemble
  • put together
  • tack together
  • set up
  • tack

Related Words

  • bring together
  • join
  • create
  • make
  • comfit
  • confection
  • confect
  • mix up
  • jumble
  • confuse
  • reassemble
  • configure
  • compound
  • rig up

verb join during spinning

Related Words

  • splice

verb eat intermittently


  • nibble
  • pick

Related Words

  • eat

verb repair by adding pieces


  • patch

Related Words

  • fix
  • furbish up
  • mend
  • repair
  • bushel
  • doctor
  • touch on
  • restore




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