

单词 republication



R0167500 (rē-pŭb′lĭ-kā′shən)n.1. The act or process of republishing.2. Something republished.


(ˌriːpʌblɪˈkeɪʃən) n (Journalism & Publishing) something which has been republished, such as a book, etc
Noun1.republication - something that has been published again; a fresh publication (as of a literary work)literature - creative writing of recognized artistic valuepublication - a copy of a printed work offered for distribution
2.republication - the act of publishing againrepublishingpublishing, publication - the business of issuing printed matter for sale or distribution



The reexecution or reestablishment by a testator of a will that he or she had once revoked.

REPUBLICATION. An act done by a testator from which it can be concluded that be intended that an instrument which had been revoked by him, should operate as his will; or it is the re-execution of a will by the testator, with a view of giving it full force and effect.
2. The republication is express or implied. It is express when there has been an actual re-execution of it; 1 Ves. 440; 2 Rand. R. 192; 9 John, R. 312; it is implied when, for example, the testator by a codicil executed according to the statute of frauds, reciting that he had made his will, added, "I hereby ratify and confirm my said will, except in the alterations after mentioned." Com. R. 381.; 3 Bro. P. C. 85, The will might be at a distance, or not in the power of the testator, and it may be thus republished. 1 Ves. 437; 3 Bing. 614; 1 Ves. jr. 486; 4 Bro. C. C. 2.
3. The republication of a will has the effect; 1st. To give it all the force of a will made at the time of the republication; if, for example, a testator by his will devise "all his lands in A," then revokes his will, and afterwards buys other lands in A, the republication, made after the purchase, will pass all the testator's lands in A. Cro. Eliz. 493. See 1 P. Wms. 275. 2d. It sets up a will which had been revoked. See, generally, 2 Hill. Ab. 509; 3 Lomax, Dig. tit. 28, c. 6; 2 Bouv. Inst. n. 216 4.


  • noun

Synonyms for republication

noun something that has been published again

Related Words

  • literature
  • publication

noun the act of publishing again


  • republishing

Related Words

  • publishing
  • publication




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