a balneological and climatic health resort in the Georgian SSR, on the southern slopes of the Vodorazdel’nyi (Glavnyi) Range of the Greater Caucasus. Shovi is situated at an elevation of 1,600 m on the Ossetian Military Road, in the valley of the Chanchakhi River, 147 km from Kutaisi. Summers are moderately warm, with an average July temperature of 16°C, and winters are relatively mild, with an average January temperature of –6°C; precipitation totals 1,103 mm annually. The resort offers climatotherapy; it also has carbonic hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium springs, the waters of which are used for drinking. Treatment is given for nontubercular ailments of the respiratory system and for disorders of the digestive organs and nervous system. The resort has boarding hotels and a polyclinic.