pigment dispersion syndrome

pigment dispersion syndrome

increased resistance to flow of aqueous humor through the pupil from the anterior chamber to the posterior chamber, leading to posterior bowing of the peripheral iris against the zonules; a possible mechanism for pigmentary glaucoma.

pigment dispersion syndrome

Ophthalmology An AD condition affecting ♂ age 20 to 40; 50% develop high-pressure glaucoma, leading to blindness Clinical Subtle ocular pain, halos around lights, blurred vision Management Miotics

pig·ment dis·per·sion syn·drome

(pig'mĕnt dis-per'zhŭn sin'drōm) Increased resistance to the flow of aqueous humor through the pupil from the anterior chamber to the posterior chamber, leading to posterior bowing of the peripheral iris against the zonules; a possible mechanism for pigmentary glaucoma.