释义 |
Valentine position Val·en·tine po·si·tion (val'ĕn-tīn), a supine position on a table with double-inclined plane to cause flexion at the hips; used to facilitate urethral irrigation.Val·en·tine po·si·tion (val'ĕn-tīn pŏ-zish'ŏn) A supine position on a table with double inclined plane so as to cause flexion at the hips; used to facilitate urethral irrigation. Valentine, Ferdinand C., U.S. surgeon, 1851-1909. Valentine irrigation tubeValentine irrigatorValentine position - a supine position on a table used to facilitate urethral irrigation.Valentine test - the bladder is emptied by passing urine into a series of 3-ounce test tubes, and the contents of the first and the last are examined. Synonym(s): three-glass testValentine tube |